Hi All,
I have a friend who is from Melbourne but currently in Sydney for the last 3 weeks. He was intending to return back to Melbourne but given the current COVID-19 outbreak and his home is in a hotspot area, I suggested that he could come and stay with me in Brisbane until the situation gets better in Melbourne.
Am asking him to fly out of Sydney to Brisbane next weekend. Are we required to supply evidence on arrival that he hasn't been in hotspot area in the last 14 days? I have been checking but have not found any details about what evidences we need to provide at the airport that he has been out of Victoria for the last 14 days in order to be allowed entry into the state without having to quarantine. He drove from Melbourne to Sydney and will leave the car where he stays right now.
The evidences we were thinking are bank statements showing transactions at POS in NSW (Fuel payments, food and drinks purchases in NSW border in the last 3 weeks). Haven't crossed any toll roads so nothing to provide there. What else could be acceptable evidences? Can we supply google maps location history? Appreciate any advice if anyone has been in this situation.