Powder coating rims

Looking to get my 18" rims powdercoated, just not sure the logistics of it all. Has anyone here done so before? My understanding is they will need all 4 rims for several days to respray them, and obviously will involve removing the tyres.

Do they come and take the wheels from you, or do you have to manage the removal of tyres & rims from the car, then find secondary vehicle to drop rims to their shop.

Im not keen on the idea of leaving my car with the workshop either


  • +1

    All I've seen are places that will take the wheels only without tyres but different businesses offer different services. Best to make a quick call to work it out.

  • +1

    Obviously if you strip the rims and take them in yourself it'll be a lot cheaper.

    I doubt if they'll come and take the wheels from you and strip them without charging a large premium.

    then find secondary vehicle to drop rims to their shop.

    Don't you know anyone with a car who can take the rims to the powder coaters for you?

    Try giving them a call and ask them.




  • Generally take it to a tyre shop, get the rims & tyres separated, then take the rims to the powder-coaters, they have them for 2 days or so, then back to the tyre shop to be fitted. Normally around $100/rim to be poweder-coated, plus the tyre shop costs (approx $500 all up).

  • I do have access to a secondary vehicle, it just sounds like so much running around. Jacking up my car, removing all 4 wheels, leave car on stands, take tyres to tyre shop, wait for them to remove tyres, take rims to paint place. wait 3 days to get pained, then reverse order the above.

    Unless i do one rim at a time and use the spare tyre…

    • +1

      it just sounds like so much running around.


    • Then just plastidip them with the same stellar results as everyone else who plastidipped their wheels.

    • +1

      If it's too much trouble for you then don't do it. Not sure what else you expect us to say. None of the powder coaters I know are going to stuff around picking up, taking it to a tyre shop to have them stripped, store the tyres, clean and coat the wheels then back to the tyre shop then to your place. If you don't want to do it yourself then the easy solution is don't, otherwise you're going to have some work to do and some inconvenience.

  • Just do it yourself with plastidip. Easily done in a couple of hours and you can go and change the colour later on if you like or just remove it altogether.

  • +2

    Buy a second hand set of rims to use temporarily while it’s done.

    But if it’s too much hassle, just don’t get it done.

    • Thats a good one, didnt think of that

  • it just sounds like so much running around.

    It certainly is OP.

    You could be doing so many more important things like 'putting fairy lights in the bedroom for that warm feeling.'

    • Why not do both!

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