Cheap and Reasonable Notary Public in Sydney for Power of Attorney to Be Send Overseas

Hi everyone,

Can anyone recommend Cheap and Reasonable Notary Public in Sydney for Power of Attorney to Be Send Overseas?

I have already got a document notarised but forgot to mention my Passport NO. and I believe I can't add more information to it.

Anyone has any idea, if I add my passport no. and get it JP certified, will it work?

Thanks in advance :)


  • Can't say what's acceptable by your documents but if you just need a JP, they do it for you for free. You can find one near you here:

  • Pretty sure that anything that a JP signs can't be used overseas …

    You say you already got a document notarised. What's wrong with going back to the same Notary ?
    She/he might give you a discount for repeat business !?!?

  • How will anyone know you added it after?

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