Hi All,
Hoping for some advice.
I was gifted a Kenwood DRV-330 dashcam for Xmas 2018.
A month or two ago I noticed some the videos did not have thumbnails visible when I tried to view them, just a red cross. Nothing would play when I tried to view. Chucked the SD card in my phone and I could see the file sizes (although they had the correct timetamp file names) were 0 bytes in file size.
I thought perhaps it was just a once off, so I just formatted the SD card and monitored it. Sure enough it happened again a few weeks later. So I thought perhaps my Samsung EVO SD card was faulty and I bought a new High Endurance SanDisk one in late June.
All seemed fine since, but I just noticed today that some videos from this morning and yesterday have had the same issue.
Has anyone experienced the same or similar?
Any tips to resolve or do I have to consider getting a new dashcam?
Apparently there is only a 1 year warranty on it. Cannot find any contact/support details on the Kenwood website.
I thought the red x were ones that were flagged to be removed/recorded over ?
I could be wrong but i had a video camera that did that a while back, the 0 file size and red x indicated they were flagged to be recorded over