Seems like they have the new octagonal/hexagonal shapes out shortly, looks great, but way way overpriced ….views?
Nanoleaf - looks great but overpriced

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Ferraris aren't overpriced. They cost about the same as the competition, include 7 years free warranty and service, perform really well, and barely depreciate (esp when comparing to something like a Mclaren). If you're lucky enough to be invited to buy one of the rarer models (from a Pista level model up), they also appreciate from the second you drive them out the door.
Ferraris aren't overpriced. They cost about the same as the competition
That depends on how you define the competition…
Speed? A motorbike that can outrun a Ferrari costs about $20k.
Nissan GSX-R has seats, a steering wheel, doors and a roof, and about the same performance as Ferrari for half the price.If you compare to other super-expensive cars, yeah, they're all expensive. None of them substantially move you around town differently to any other car. A Corolla stopped at a red light doesn't move any slower than a Ferrari stopped at a red light ;)
I don't think you read what I said at all, or don't understand depreciation.
@[Deactivated]: You've taken a specific scenario - ie. Not all Ferraris but the collectable ones, then you further narrowed down the use case to being an investment.
Look at it this way, majority of Ferraris will depreciate. The car is marketed as a performance vehicle.
If I bought the average Ferrari and flogged it on the track every weekend, it will be worth nothing.
I could achieve the same or better performance with a different and much cheaper car.
@[Deactivated]: There is no car you can buy under $1m that matches the SF90's performance. You might be able to get a car that beats it 0-100kmh, but that's it.
And you've just completely ignored 90% of what I said in my post. I didn't say Ferrari's don't depreciate, I said they depreciate very little, and I said a lot appreciate. For what they are, Ferraris are cheap.
Buy an equivalent Mclaren and watch it eat a hole in your wallet. And when you come to sell it.. good luck.
@[Deactivated]: How about all the other Ferraris that will be beaten by a lightly modded Nissan GTR at half the price and can only depreciate as much as the cost of the vehicle which makes the cost of ownership still lower than the Ferrari.
@[Deactivated]: A) That's not true, an SF90 is faster than many heavily modified GTR
B) We're not talking about modified cars
C) You're only talking about a straight line
D) You're actually comparing a 13 year old Nissan to a new Ferrari and (I assume) maintaining a straight face
@[Deactivated]: I am talking about most Ferraris. The SF90 is not a representation of most. It is their flagship.
A stock GTR will still beat most Ferraris based on objective measures of Nurburgring times.
(I mentioned lightly modded as to me, that's value for money. I can spend $30k on a GTR and make it stupid good around a track vs what I could get for triple the price with a horsey badge).
I am not knocking on Ferraris. As I said, part of the value is in the appearance and status. Also hence why I added quotation marks to "overpriced".
@[Deactivated]: You’re literally trying to change the argument from a financial one into a performance one (and losing). Just re read my initial comments.
@[Deactivated]: No no no.
The argument was money spent to performance of product.
Ie. Nanoleaf expensive and other cheaper products can do the same thing.
So the argument as it always has been is the cost of purchase (and you have extended it to include cost of ownership but fair inclusion) and the performance of the product.
Performance of the Nanoleaf would be custom lighting.
Performance of a Ferrari would be racing.
(Although you keep going back to the comparison to one particular model as the representation of the entire brand.)
@[Deactivated]: Obviously I’m not saying one car represents the whole brand. It’s like you never even read my first post.
@[Deactivated]: I did. I also read all your subsequent ones.
You may have a different thought process than what you've put down in writing. It's not uncommon but it reads that you've used the SF90 as a representation, whether you realise/intended it or not.
@[Deactivated]: There is absolutely nothing wrong with my writing. Your comprehension however, clearly needs some work.
I drove a California once and it was horrible. Have driven a few mclarens are they were much nicer.
Enzo (?) Ferrari once said something to the effect of "Ferraris aren't expensive at all — you only pay for the engine and the car is free!"
Theres cheaper ones out there I think, don't remember the name though but of course different shape. As you say it is very overpriced. I bought one and I like it a lot, colours are nice. But I felt like I'm lucky I had the money to "burn" as it were, wouldn't buy it otherwise.
It works okay, used to work alright with Google Home, but I always forget the best way to change the colour. For some reason mines not responding at the moment so I might have to reset it.
I do feel overpriced is probably best way to describe it, even for what it is, they'd probably sell more if they were priced a little better I feel.
If apple made lamps
Put a "1" in front of the price, maybe.
Its for youtubers
And cam girls
A clear example of when good lighting actually matters.
Stupidly expensive. I've been looking into them myself.
RRP of the triangular auroras 9 packs were $300 with some sales closer to $200 but the RRP has increased to $350.
Xiaomi has partnered with nanoleaf somehow so they have they own models but these seem to be just as expensive from what I've seen.There are knockoff hexagon lights on aliexpress for less than $100 with 15 or so hexagons. However are not rgb. These can be controlled via a remote or touch.
When they had sales it was probably to get rid of stock as the hexagonal Shapes ones were coming out, they have the rythmn module built in.
You can buy good quality panels with similar functionality for cheaper such as this one
You will also find a lot of other brands and shapes offering similar products.
That's actually a four pack, unless I'm mistaken.
Yes, so $USD $99 for a 4 pack doesnt seem that cheap either….…
Expensive, maybe, but then what else out there is actually comparable for the features. Google home compatible. Can be set to turn on and off a certain times for a particular pattern. Had one with a bright led. Not really an issue, but they still sent me a replacement panel. The only issue I have with any of these things is that it is app dependant. If the app doesn't work. The light can only function on the light itself and only the set panels you last used are available to use. Can be $27 or less per panel.
Definitely not $27 for the new Shapes line. What’s more, all new Shapes panels are only compatible with each other and not the original triangular or canvas lines.
Probably not the new ones straight away, but I'm sure there will be sales on them at some point and that is the time to get them. Out of the current versions the triangular ones provide the best bang for your buck as they panel are larger. If you already have these panels, I don't think it's worth investing in the new ones. As you say they are not compatible with the old ones.
B&O - looks great but overpriced. People buy it because of aesthetic value, brand perception and status.
Ferrari - looks great but overpriced. Same deal.
Luxury apartment - same deal.
Summary - it's not a necessity. It's a discretionary purchase so "overpriced" isn't really an issue.