Seems to have decent reviews on the Good Guys website.
$1299 on the Good Guys website.…
Seems to have decent reviews on the Good Guys website.
$1299 on the Good Guys website.…
Would like to buy. Anyone know how to do price match with Good Guys store?
Is the membership free or how much does it cost?
List of union or professional memberships where you can get free access is here
Join sunsuper for free access
Due to unforeseen demand, order fulfilment for this product is delayed until early August.
Is it OLED?
Yes, it's o LED.
so funny.
I can’t select pickup, only delivery which is 55 bucks extra which is still good value
Kinda glad I missed the Costco tv the other day
That’s for gift cards I think.
Edit: nvm
Can someone who owns this tv already comment on the VESA mounting points at the back of the TV. I feel like the listing has spacing reversed I.e. it shows 300x600 but would make more sense for it to be 600x300 as most mounts don't accommodate 600 vertical
Also could someone measure the distance between the legs? Please and thank you :)
Needing to figure out if it’ll fit on my stand!
Including box is 1870mm wide so from leg to leg is about 1800mm I guess?
Can someone screenshot the price on the commercial store so I can price match in store?
You can do this? :O
Probably not but worth a try.
@BargainGhost - Did you manage to price match at Good Guys store. Planning to do same.
@BargainGhost: I might try the same as I want to buy an extended warranty and you can’t seem to do that on the commercial site. Thanks!
@BargainGhost: Did you get the screenshot of Good Guys Commercial as a proof. I have signed up online but believe take 2-4 days.
I have done this last week. price matched at Harvey norman
Using a screenshot? Did they not check up the website?
i was logged in on commercial website on phone
@letmesingh: I think Linsar is a Good Guys brand, so the only option would be to see if they would honour the price in a Good Guys store.
@Gaz1: Yea, the store does match commercial website price. I tried it at Goodguys store first, but they didn't had stock of something I wanted
Last week I had JB price match a fridge with a price from good guys commercial. Was just over the phone, no confirmation needed. They emailed me a unique link to that product at the discounted price within 5 mins.
@BargainGhost: I called a JB store that didn’t sell white goods, spoke to a young guy who tried to refer me to another store- I told him I knew the model I wanted, so I gave him the SKU, he put in the price and sent me a web link. (I didn’t have to send through price)
Price is back up to 1070
You’re right.
Thankfully I emailed myself a quote which is good for a month. Hope others managed to order one before it went back up
Sure did
Whats the best way to sign up to GG Commercial?
I get access through my union membership
Posts above mention Suncorp super?
This is now available again, just bought 1. Delivery in Brisbane Metro +$55.
Back on $1070
Click in and will show $813. Last night when I wanted to buy was showing $1070 but now in payment screen is $813.
Not for me…
i Joined sunsuper for access. how do I access portal? seems their portal is offline?
is anyone able to purchase this for me if still available? :)
Can anyone buy this for me if still showing $813. You can charge me $40 additional for your efforts.
Yeah me too
PM me next time, i have access
Thanks. Will do
The whole page is gone now, listing removed.
I wonder if they’ll honour my quote though? :/ hmmm might have just saved $900! Ha
Is it any good though?
Would like to hear from someone that has bought it.
I received an email today stating this was a price error and will be refunded
Well that sucks! Guess I won’t be ordering one after all
If you did the quote maybe do the order near the end of the 30 days and you may slip through the cracks?
Pain not having the money on hand though if cancelled
No stock until August :-(