Sodastream Cola flavour hard to find?

Anyone know if they are discontinuing these? Can't find them at Cole's or Woolies for a while now and looks like big W only sell them at 5$. Even then no big W near me have stock.

Any other good alternatives?


  • IGA

  • +1

    Saw bottles of it today at Kmart. I think they were $5.95 though.

  • Coles Chadstone, saw it on Sunday

  • Harvey Norman, the good guys, target and jb hifi.

  • Cola? Try and find me a ginger beer. Haven't seen a single bottle on shelves all year.

    • ended up buying from bing lee, online though I need to pick up on the weekend.

      Don't know what it means, either they stopped their production due to covid, or people have decided to get sodastreams during covid.

    • big w

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