Just got me a new LED TV and wanted to wall mount it. Was looking at the disk type wall mounts (picture hanging type system) to get it really close to the wall. However, am thinking that there is no way you can get in all your cables/power & TV outlets/ plugs etc behind it without pushing it out further.
Has anyone had any experience with these? Any recommendations for other mounts? For info it will go on an internal brick wall (I'm in Perth) so can't hide the cables in the cavity (booo).
The cables on almost all flat screen TVs do not go out the back. They come out the side or bottom edge. No matter what, you have to bring those cable up from the floor.
What I am going to do is screw a flat sheet of MDF onto 2 thing (10,mm square battens the are fixed to teh wall under the screen. Kind of like a bedhead… the cables will run through that "flat conduit" to the floor.
Visually, the TV will look like it's on the thinnest floor stand ever made. In reality, the MDF will just allow me to hide the cables