Have been on the lookout for a simple & affordable Soundbar to increase clarity on my Dads TV and have been tempted to give one of these a go but didn't bite the bullet until this offer came through earlier today. This particular model is only new so reviews are limited but the ones I could find all seem to be '5-Stars'. Just ordered one and at todays exchange rate with import tax included the total came to $83.44 AUD then with approx $4.17 worth of a 5% offer from CashRewards that should sneak the total just under $80. 'Xiaomi' so worth the risk IMO as I still haven't had a bad product of theirs but it possibly isn't as good as the Yamaha YAS108 bargains from earlier this year… but of course they were twice as much anyway! We'll see.
Looks to be around 35 left from this seller but you may have to choose a different country power adaptor option to secure one. I've been looking at these for a while now and know these usually sell closer to the $100-$120 mark via OS sellers so this is a pretty good price. Give me 4-6 weeks and I'll report back with my findings once it arrives and I've set it up.
Interested to see what you think about this, have been considering a cheap soundbar for the TV in my bedroom.