Extreme Price Hiking from Kogan

Recently I posted a deal for a product from Kogan here


I had been watching the price go from $299 up to close to $900 when the Covid-19 pandemic began here in Australia.

Just curious and checked it again just then… $1,269 wow!!!


Are there ever repercussions or something customers can do (other than not buy) for this kind of business practice?

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  • +2

    make no mistake, their sole aim as a business is to make as much money as possible from their customers. And by the looks of it, by any means necessary.

  • +5

    Are there ever repercussions or something customers can do (other than not buy) for this kind of business practice?

    It's just dynamic market pricing. That's how they work.

  • +1

    We were looking at a box freezer pre COVID, went from 299 to 1699 in the space of a few weeks.

  • they are a business that operates online in a time when people are scared to leave there house what do you expect?

  • -5

    Did you vote Labor and Liberal after the extreme electricity price hike caused by privatisation?

    There was an alternative at the last election that would have removed the massive price hike to electricity.

    • Non-privatised WA has higher electricity costs than lots of other states. Really jogs the noggin.

    • +1

      There was an alternative at the last election that would have removed the massive price hike to electricity.

      Oh, feel free to elaborate on what this other choice was and how it would have made a difference to the price of a toilet seat?

  • +13

    Avoid supporting a dodgy seller that's known to have grey market products, has poor customer support (if any response at all) and has poor practises like pricejacking for sales and profiteering during pandemic. Pay a little more for local stock, local seller, local support and peace of mind.

  • +3

    Business charges what they think people will pay. More news at 7.

    • +1

      That is so convenient… it is nearly 7am. :+)

  • …..Wait…..Is Ruslan worse than Gerry now?

    • +2

      Would be great to pit them against each other in a Saw type game.

  • +1

    What business practice?

    It is the market.

    If no one buys it the price will come down. (Or, if they get more stock etc).

    It’s not as if this item represents a monopoly on bidets; it has others from $299.

  • Just basic supply/demand curve

  • -1

    I get that there is supply and demand but surely this price hike is a little bit extreme?

    It's like insulin pricing in the US - surely that isn't "the market"

    No bidets aren't a necessity but it's not the only product that this happens to have a big increase - hand sanitisers (as linked above) and even freezers https://www.channelnews.com.au/coronavirus-kogan-price-gougi…

  • I saw Toto toilets for about $1800 when the shortage was at its peak. I think I'd be spending the extra $$$ on that if I was in the market…

  • +1

    Even at the lower end of purchases- I used to buy 3 stylus for $9 and the last one I looked at was a bargain for $39 for only one!

  • +1

    Hilarious. I assume some bright spark thinks it is pegged to the value of toilet paper. If you buy this vs toilet paper there is some pay back.

    Sounds like the person doing the prices probably did valuation of stock prices during the dot com boom also. You know why they are no long in that job.

  • +2

    Agree, Kogan are the worst for this.

    A couple of months ago while everyone was panic-buying meat my friend wanted to buy a chest freezer;
    He looked at Kogan and was shocked to see one like this 'temporarily' priced at $1299

    Thought it must be a mistake, but no - they were fully gouging. I took a screen-grab for posterity.

    What do you expect from a guy who got wears a T-Shirt with the quote from Ayn Rand:
    "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me".

    The ACCC have this blurb on their site about Covid Price Gouging, but it seems like they only consider it an issue if it involves 'essential products'. Probably the heated toilet seat doesn't qualify


  • +2

    Have had so many issues with them. Dodgy toothbrush head replacement that failed instantly. Expensive Computer monitor that failed and has an bespoke irreplaceable power supply. I once tried to return a modem to Kogan Unopened - literally still in the original postage satchel had to go through a months long dispute and eventually PayPal forced them.

    I’ve stopped shopping there.

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