First deal. Be easy on me. Looks like a good deal. Spotlight selling for $50 and even eBay is $38+. Catch has it too but seems not free shipping unless a member.
Solar Monster Zapper - 2 Pack - $25 Delivered @ Aus Post

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Anybody has this? Interested to know if it works.
If you want to kill beetles and maybe a few moths. Mozzies, flies, hornets, wasps etc aren't attracted to light.
Mozzies like CO2.
Explains the whining sound when I fart :/
That's your partner….CO2 is not methane.
@havebeerbelywillsumo: And methane is odourless at room temperature and standard pressure, as is CO2. CO2 is present in every person's flatus, but only some people are methane producers.
These things can give you a certain kind of ambience though. Or is it ambiance?
It's the serenity.
Ordered one, decide later.
Same boat. Thanks OP, I think!
Solar powered are weak af
Does it actually work?
Would love to get one if it does 🤔Only slightly. And needs strong sun to charge. So only works in summer
Which is ideal for flies?
I have the $20 corded one from catch, works great.
To zap what?
Zaps flies, mozzie and those little gnats mostly. When I cleaned it I was shocked to find how much it killed. It has a removable plastic catch tray that catches 90% of the dead bugs, 10% fall close by.
Curious as to what monsters it zaps?
I'd be happy if it caught our Hexham greys. 😳
I believe that there is a monster one at the Hexham Bowling Club?
Funny to name a mosquito with that kind of name. It's more the name for a pigeon/chicken or a sheep/cow.
The one at the bowling club is lifesize 😂😂😂
We've had two in the house, sounded like 747's 😳
Thought I was in for a free flight.
These kill everything except mosquitos
Is that true? 😱
Bug zappers kill bugs by the thousands. But there’s a problem: They kill the wrong bugs. They are ineffective against mosquitoes and other biting flies, and their otherwise indiscriminate killing can reduce songbird populations, disrupt pollination, and generally throw the environment out of balance. Plus, the force of their electrocution can spew a mist of disease-ridden bug parts out into the air. All of the mosquito experts we spoke with and every relevant university extension office we could find unanimously condemned bug zappers.
Ouch, OzB'd already.
You can buy bug zappers at Australia Post, and Spotlight… well I’ll be.
Don't want to poo poo someones first post, but from experience, these aren't amazing.
I don't think they've enough oomph to kill the bigger flies, a lot of the smaller flies just seem to go through/past them and mozzies aren't attracted to light, so no bueno from my own experience.
Expected something bigger, catch site says 12 x 12 x 12.7
Let the bugs live!
Bugs life matters!
Lets all go to a protest in melbourne and make sure one of you has the virus so you can then pass it on to someones else and then thy can do the same
Oh wait never mind it's already been done
Fun fact, on the day of the BLM protests, 40k protested, no evidence anyone passed on the virus, 53k went to Chadstone shopping centre, 42k went to Northland shopping centre (which a week later does appeard to be a source of infection).
Fun question, how many protesters actually got tested?
@wlqrichard: I think they work it out the other way around. ie. if you test positive, the contact tracers work out where you've been and who you have been in contact with.
So far, they dont trace back to the protests.
Ok but also northland proves nothing. The only sensible approach is to minimise risk. The outcome can be good or bad but you've got to make sensible risk minimising decisions before the outcome is known
@justtoreply: tell it woolworths who overcrowd their stores routinely, even after restrictions,don't supply wipes, don't supply gel etc etc because it costs money
It's a bug's Life?
Need a huntsman spider equivalent. Those are terrifying, some people I know will avoid going to the toilet at night.
Huntsman probably better at eating flies than this thing!
Wife hates all spiders
she once walked around the long way all day because there was a huntsman on the door jam of the loungeroom door and when I got homr from work I was told to kill it by her
I didn't kill it I just caught it and let it go across the street
I don't blame her, Huntsmans are big enough to stop traffic.
One of my cousin's brought wood in for their fire one winter, stacked it up next to the fire to dry it out. Hours later…..a heap of baby huntsman spiders crawled out 😂
it looks like it comes with doctor Who
No way this is going to have enough power to be effective.
This thing will LOOK ok, as in the blue light will light up… but it will have no where near enough power for the electric grid that actually kills the bugs.I have a corded 240v bug zapper and its power consumption is 40w. The blue light uses only a fraction of that… the rest is for the electric grid.
If this solar powered light actually kills any flies, it'll only be the small flying nat/baby flies size. Actually flies that annoy you? No chance.
Do the powerful ones actually kill any of those? Only by chance.
Spend more.
More money = more grid surface = higher voltage = more chance to kill the insects when they fly towards the light.
I have something similar to this… kills EVERYTHING that flies in there.
Look closely at how much extra electrified mesh there is. Huge difference.…
When I read "solar", I naturally thought that this device concentrated light from the sun into a single beam and that it killed the nasties in the somewhat unlikely case that they were unfortunate enough to fly into this beam.
Ahh, the serenity…
Came here for this
Back in stock
I have a few water features in the garden. What’s best to kill mozzies?
does this work at night? Coz thats when the mozzies are out in force
up to 3.75% cashback from cashrewards.
They’re back on sale. After a bit of research I decided to pass.
Great first post.