Should be the cheapest price so far. Make sure that you pay in GBP! Code expired, but still an ok price even without the code. Aus retailers seem to be selling them at $750 and it's hard to find any stock.
An extra £3 for tracked delivery! Also this could be subject to 10% GST.
LEGO Technic 42100 Liebherr R 9800 £289 (~ A$530) Delivered @ IWOOT

Last edited 12/07/2020 - 01:19 by 1 other user
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closed Comments
Well here's an idea for u mate, if u can't justify spending that much money on a toy, then don't.
haha great advice.
Just ordered! Pumped!Im jealous mate. I was so tempted, but ive been collecting the big cars that have been coming out lately, so will get an arse kicking if i get this as well as the Lambo next month :)
It's a hobby for people with disposable income that enjoy it. No different to anything else that people spend money on that isn't a life necessity.
Have a look at your post history for example, same could be said for any of those items.
@Hybroid: None of that justifies the price tag? Despite your speech I didn't attack your hobby rather the price, respectfully. And still no one can provide a reason other than shower me with downvotes. I looked and no I don't have any $500 plastic toys.
@Skinnerr: It's quite a large kit with over 4,000 pieces (many of which are custom which are expensive to produce), 2 smart hubs, 7 motors and added tech incl bluetooth to remote control the unit via smartphone etc.
For many people, it'll provide days of entertainment especially within a family. They also retain their value so you can always sell on for a decent return.
I didn't downvote you, just trying to give you some perspective. I wouldn't spend $500 on this either but understand that others do and pilfer money away on others things myself. To each their own.
@Hybroid: Thanks, that's all I wanted. For the record I still stand by my initial statement but that doesn't mean I'm poopoo'ing Lego. There's plenty of affordable Lego, but if people have money to burn on this kind of Lego atm then good for them.
it's fun.. come on bro.
Atleast he is playing the role of principal skinner quite nicely
Am I just out of touch?!? No!
Cashrewards has Cashback on Toys for Returning Customers 2.10% and 3.50% for new customers.
Pretty great deal, would love to get a set, can't afford it right now though :(
Seems to be £299.
Plus if they don't add GST customs might.Apply the code to bring it down to 260:)
Sorry! And thank you.
show GST inclused at checkout
Absolutely fantastic build.
Bought one off IWOOT earlier on this year, can confirm the legitimacy of the website. Box arrived in great condition.
Worth noting that this is shipped from UK and they warn it can be subject to gst (10%) and customs (5%) tax on arrival. Mine slipped through with out being held up, but keep in mind it may be another $70 to release from customs.
Regarding GST, my understanding is that if the value of the good is below $1000 it should be collected at the point of sale instead of the border.. so in other words the border won't hold your parcel if it's below $1000. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
It used to be like this a couple years ago, they've changed it and now anything that's online and shipped here is subject to GST.
edit: Usually the retailer you buy from will charge the GST, but some don't then it's hit or miss if it gets caught up in customs or not for GST.
Didn't know that! I'll edit the post.. thanks!
That was applicable several years ago. The government can now demand you pay import tax and GST on any import.
It would be difficult to challenge the fees if you are asked to pay them. I've bought several items from overseas (including this set from IWOOT) and still haven't paid any taxes.
Good luck.
Mine came through fine as well. I paid $600 at the time but it is a great build and hard to find anywhere even at RRP. From mmeory it took about two weeks.
Thanks! I'm surprised that site is cheaper in GBP even without the code. I'll have to keep that in mind for future.
Just a heads-up for people re shipping.
I purchased a LEGO Defender through these guys a couple of months ago. Took 10 days to dispatch and 6 weeks total to arrive. I think they might do drop-shipping with LEGO and we all know how long it's taking LEGO to dispatch. Plus, I figure customs is pretty busy. But hopefully this has all improved since then.Most international flights carry mail cargo as well. Most aren't running right now and the cargo planes can't keep up.
All international shipping in the last 3-4 months will have been super slow
Yeah, they wasn't a complete surprise to me except at the time I ordered iwoot claimed everything was normal '24hrs to dispatch', '5-9 business days to Aus'. It wasn't like that at all. And it was my first order from them so I was nervous. The dispatch delay really surprised me. Just giving others a heads up.
Just got my tracking number. Ordered 6/7, tracking confirmation 10/7.
Let's see how long the actual shipment is.
Thanks. Got one!
With ANZ currency conversion = $488.52 AUD including the tracked shipping.
Beats the $607 I paid for one of these last week. :/
I don't need it, I don't need it. I bought it.
Exactly what happened to me!
Buy first and think later lol
This i like :) hahaha
Any discount with a referral code? Hit the link, didn't seem to add any discount?
There's a coupon code above you need to apply at checkout.
…you afol's are seriously committed!
I've had this one on my wish list for a while so have now been tipped over the edge. I'm crazy I tell you! All of you! Stop moving around when I'm pointing at you!
Good price. Paid $490 for it on this website, but that's back to January so nothing to complain about.
Thanks. Gotten one.
Ahhh this is tempting. How likely is one likely to get stung by extra fees on importing this? Probably wouldn’t be worth it
referee gets 25% first order, just wondering can the code stack?
This will stress me out making it !
Code expired.
Awesome deal.
Glad this sold out because I was so tempted to get it. Money saved :D
The price has gone down to £289, presently around A$524. But no code, of course.