Anyone ever seen any specials on the annual subscription to the Pocket Premium service that syncs web pages to eg. Kobo ebook / e-ink reader?
I'm absolutely appreciating Pocket free, it's absolutely a groundbreaking way get better value out of time online doing idle/adhock reading around topic groups. I open a site in Firefox on computer, skim it, single click the 'save to pocket link' then later (sometimes a month or more later) peruse it more closely on a cheap secondhand Kobo tablet.
I'm really, really wanting to subscribe to support Pocket, but I'm mindful that each subscription like this is cash leaving Australia, which we probably need circulating in Australia a little more & a little longer to help with pay for all the government support programs we've recently implemented.
Currently they have a 20 percent discount applied to the annual over the monthly.
Annual is $44.99 USD per year, roughly $64.80 AUD
Monthly is $4.99 USD per month, roughly $7.20 AUD
App Store/Google Play subscription with discounted gift cards?