Nice freebie from Epic Games. Finally the rumours were true this time!
Mod: Also available: [PC] Epic - Free - The Escapists 2 - Epic Store
Nice freebie from Epic Games. Finally the rumours were true this time!
Mod: Also available: [PC] Epic - Free - The Escapists 2 - Epic Store
Yes, they just tweeted that it will no longer be free, but available to buy in the near future.
Community is pissed they introduced paid micro content
Ive had it since early access and still play it occasionally.
Imo the base game is still fantastic. Nothing comes close in terms of physics and gore
It lacks a lot of the charm of the original both in terms of style and satisfying gunplay.
I was pretty convinced it was going to be good pre-release, they obviously put effort into the tech (KF1 uses the UT2004 engine) but the overwhelming majority of the community who played the original to death did not like KF2 at all.
I think it's just because I like the old kf1 maps more. On paper, kf2 has tighter gunplay, better graphics and a better perk system. It's technically the better game.
Nooo I was looking forward to Conan!
I see the lamentation of the women before me!
Trackmania is free at the moment too
Isn't that F2P?
Correct, it has a three-tier subscription model, first tier is free.
When i saw the announcement i thought it was a full edition of the game. I've already played the 1st tier to death since the early 00's.. Such an old game. Absolute gem of a racing game.
@IronOrchard: Sure is, I would say the series is pretty underrated in the grand scheme of things. It always did what it meant to do very good.
Let's take a look at Killing Floor 2. Don't let the name fool you, it's not really a floor.
It's more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported.
The lifeless planet can be called as the running simulator. You just run and run and run. none the less, it has a good story line and liked the game.
I never finished it but I did play it. But yes, it's a walking simulator for the most part. Partly interesting but it was too boring for me to continue. Even though it's a Unity game, it could fool you as being a Source game.
Yes, till almost the 70% its a boring game. But when the story starts unravaling is when it becomes interesting :) But its a subjective thing!
How long do you reckon it will take to complete this game? or 70%?
@aec: I dont remember, but its a very short game. no action no much puzzle solving. Probably the shortest I have played.
I dont remember, but its a very short game. no action no much puzzle solving. Probably the shortest I have played.
Short? Debatable. You can set how many waves and the difficulty too.
No action? I contest this. There is plenty of weapons and gore.
Not much puzzle solving? Come on. There are traps and um yeah OK I agree with you but I don't see why KF2 needs them.
Sorry, that was a reply for the comment by aec above, I put it in the wrong place initially and was unable to delete. Its for the lifeless planet.
Anyone know if this version on epic is able to play with players who have the game on steam?
I would assume so since the servers would be hosted by 3rd parties anyway.
Yes you can, however it seems Steam players will need to sign in with an Epic account to be able to see Epic players.…
From the link it sounds like that's just for cross-platform invites rather than cross-platform play.
The post mentions cross-play and cross-invite separately. It looks like public matchmaking and servers will support both platforms.
@wangasm: Sorry I should've clarified - I meant the process of Steam players needing to sign into their Epic account sounds like it will only be necessary for those wanting to do Steam<->EGS invites. In contrast, it sounds like players just joining "random" games using the game browser should be a combined pool of Steam + EGS players with no additional steps required.
KF1 and KF2 are honestly such great games if you have friends to play with.
That's a big "if"
Oh I always thought killing floor 2 was shadow worrior 2.
Ah never played killing floor, geez and it's free ah man. 😭
Oh dear, Killing Floor 2 is a 68 Gig download. How terrible it is (for me) to be bandwidth-challenged.
That's how much space it takes up on disk. The download is actually around 35gb.
Cant believe kf2 is actually free. Awesome!
Thanks :)
Doesn't look as good as kf1 (in my opinion) but I'll give it a go. It's free so there's no loss.
Can't find any server or match. I have try to open some of the popular public server but I have got an error message that the EPIC KF2 is out of date. How do I update it in that situation?
They removed conan exiles?