I've bought a 4 pack from 7/11 a couple of times now and to me they always taste fairly rancid compared to the actual Krispy Kreme stores. I guess delivered fresh daily doesn't mean it was made that day. They're also extremely expensive at $13.95 for a pack. Has anyone else noticed this or just my store?
7/11 Krispy Kreme Extremely Bad or Just Me?

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I bought one for my wife a few months ago and tried a bite, it was too sweet for my liking but tasted otherwise fine.
I bought some when they first opened their first Australian store, got on that hype train… didn’t finish the first one I started and never been back since… they just tasted and had the texture of icing frosted bread rings…
icing frosted bread ring
That's what they call them in Shelbyville
There was another shop that used to call them “yeast rings” and it was all due to some dispute over the trademark of the word “doughnut/donut”… but that’s exactly what they tasted like. Rings made out of bread…
Krusty Kreme
Too expensive to even try
When I was a kid, the donut shop at the shopping centre would give away any unsold donuts from that day. Because stale donuts taste crap. You really need to eat them within a couple of hours, not 24 hours later.
I eat them when I get them and they still taste like crap haha
Never had good one from 7/11