To celebrate the reopening of cinemas HOYTS is offering $10 standard tickets, $13 Xtremescreen tickets and $25 LUX tickets on all sessions these school holidays. Online booking fees apply.
$10 Standard, $13 Xtremescreen, $25 LUX Tickets @ HOYTS

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Harry Potter! All eight of them!
The Goonies!
Been watching movies at home for months now…. first thing I want to do is go sit in a cinema staring at a screen!
Then stay home
After celebrities making stupid videos during lockdown the last thing I want to be doing is giving them my money….imagine all the poor celebrities…
Corona served free?
Only in Melb
Yeh last thing I wanna do is sit for 2 hours in an enclosed space with strangers… Covid ain't over yet smh.
What about social distancing.. do they like limit number of seats sold per viewing?
Yep! My local cinema opened up very recently, their rule is 20 people per theatre.
Before Covid, whenever I go to my local Hoyts cinema, it had less than 20 people per theatre anyway
Lots of moulds, bacteria and fungi. Good luck
Better stay inside like the bubble boy
Plus $1.5 booking fee, I refuse to go to hoyts why they use these stupid tactics
Agreed, makes zero sense, it should be cheaper to buy your ticket online, not more expensive.
Reading do the same amount. I went to see a couple movies with the missus the other day when they started up again.
Went all the way into the cinema a day early (happened to go to the shop for other stuff) to buy the tickets, $1.50 on two tickets to two movies is $6 and $6 is more than I'm willing to waste to give them my money in advance.
As predicted, there was like half a dozen people between both films, so there's no need to reserve seats at this point.
How is this a good deal?? We could get tickets at this price BEFORE Covid (Tuesdays, other special deals, AGL Rewards, etc)
Agreed, my local (events) had $10 tickets all year round…
It's a deal because it's being offered directly for more sesions, rather than through a membership organisation.
They couldn't pay me to go to the cinema now, let alone wanting my money, and an "online booking fee". It's only my own perspective of course, and I understand there may be others who feel differently.
I hope everyone feels the same way. I'll be the only one there
It's probably cheap as they're showing old movies.
US production companies aren't going to release big blockbusters til global market is ready.
There's f-all showing at my 3 preferred, everything is already out on streaming or physical
Yeah but cinemas have $9 large frozen coke. You can't get that at home!
yes you can, buy 4x2l cokes, and go home and pour three directly down the sink and the last one in the freezer
was hoping to catch Tenet end of the month… but with the surging covid cases…..
Does cinema have HEPA filtering system? You might socially distance, but being in an enclosed space with no air circulation, what do ozb?
I doubt a cinema would have a hospital or airplane grade filtering system.
What to do? Stay home, or go and understand the risks. Maybe wear a full face filtration mask and then decontaminate everything when you get home.
I went to the last cheap tuesday night before they closed for covid. Did not worry about social distancing, we were the only ones in the whole cinema.
what movies are out?