MIL has had a 2007 Forester since new. She intends to keep it, as it has low mileage and is in good condition. However, she finds the seats are uncomfortable. Can anyone recommend possible replacements for the front seats and source? (Location Adelaide)
Suggestions for replacement seats for a 2007 Subaru Forester

Have contacted Willshire. Can try out to find suitable replacements. Their accessibility options were really excellent as well.
Should you be taking motoring equipment advice from a user name that has part disappeared and part gone cheap to China?
Find what Subarus seats she likes and get from a crashed one.
Find some different ones from a wrecker. It could be a simple fit, but may require modifying the mounting points or rails.
There isn’t much point suggesting specific seats as fit and comfort are subjective and highly variable with body size, shape and weight. Eg I’d recommend forester seats for a forester because I found the comfortable enough but that’s no help.
Does it have side air bags?
No, but if it did I notice that Recaro offer replacement seats with optional side airbags.
That makes it easier then. If she knows what it is that is uncomfortable about the seats, it may be worth speaking to a motor trimmer, they could modify the seat to suit her.
Great suggestion. Thanks.
It took her 13 years to decide the seats were uncomfortable?
Arthritis has made her uncomfortable and the seats have become less supportive with the age of the car.
Has she tried memory foam seat covers?
Thanks for the suggestion, but beginning to look at suggestions from @holdenmg.