Anyone tell me what banks are offering the best interest rates on savings, without having to regularly deposit money in, or take money out, etc in order to get the "bonus rate"?
Best savings account - won't be depositing/withdrawing regularly
Wooo! Get on the gains train! Almost keeps up with inflation.
"For customers who also have an Orange Everyday bank account and deposit their pay of $1,000 or more per month and make 5+ card purchases that are settled (not pending) each month." - ING savings maximiser requirments.
This spreadsheet from whirlpool… has an overview of accounts and their conditions
You could get a BoQ and a 86400, and set up automatic $1000 transfers between the two. Then it would take care of itself.
Do you have a mortgage?
What is the amount of your savings?
Rabobank Notice Saver is pretty good for a "set and forget" option if you don't need to withdraw in a hurry (30/60/90 days' notice required)
Bank Australia - ethical banking, go for it.
thanks chaps that helps quite a bit
ING savings maximiser currently offer best rates, but you need a transaction account with them to get the bonus rate (0.1 % + 1.7% bonus rate).