LEGO Creator Expert Volkswagen Beetle 10252 Construction Set $99 on Amazon
RRP $150.
LEGO Creator Expert Volkswagen Beetle 10252 Construction Set $99 on Amazon
RRP $150.
Hmm… says it's through Prime but can't ship to my location. (Sydney).
That is odd.
This is a great set. Really loved making it.
There was only five in stock
Lol, goddamned Amazon. A trillion dollar company and they can only source single-digit stock quantities for popular deals, that sell out in under 10 minutes.
still better than those AirPods sold out in seconds
it's been in and out of stock at least twice today at $99
thanks got 1
they dropped the Bugatti to $479
I just want to preface my question by saying, I really respect other peoples choices and that everyone has different tastes. Which is great.
But, could someone please tell me what is the fascination with these Lego sets? They seem very expensive and wouldn't be more fun to create something from scratch using standard sets?
I would greatly appreciate being enlightened.
This captures it for me:…
Zen and the art of Lego. :)
@CaptainCoolio, Thx. That does explain the fascination very well :-)
But, could someone please tell me what is the fascination with these Lego sets? They seem very expensive
This horse has been flogged to the point of being blasted into orbit, and I believe the far more fascinating question to ask after seeing the same old "wHy dO pEoPlE liKe LeGo, iT'S sO eXpenSiVe!!!1!!" remarks for the millionth time, is: what on earth is it about Lego that sets some people off in such an obsessively-fixated way where they develop this burning desire to lecture other people on the appropriateness and legitmacy of their hobby, which also happens to be the most popular toy product in the world, as if insinuating Lego is somehow an obscure, underground niche that no one could possibly find any value in?
As for the all-too-common "it's expensive" retort, well so is everything else most people consume on a regular basis, and to that end you can read my reply here.
wouldn't be more fun to create something from scratch using standard sets?
Building anything remotely-complicated or realistic-looking with Lego takes an inordinate amount of practice, trial-and-error and research into Lego construction techniques that the average, casual Lego fan simply doesn't have the desire to get involved in, not to mention the required inventory of tens of thousands of pieces that would take many years and thousands of dollars to amass.
Lego's designs have come a very long way, and you honestly would be extremely hard-pressed to make a better design yourself of most of their sets, especially those from the licenced themes.
Something like the UCS Slave I is the product of a year's worth of internal R&D at Lego by teams of experienced designers who've done nothing but devise methods of unconventional and exceedingly complicated Lego construction for decades now.
I understand from a child's perspective, that play is just play, without purpose or specific context, but from an AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego) point of view, you just want the best-looking incarnation of whatever it is you want to put on display, and unless you have a spare 40,000 pieces of every single Lego brick/mould ever devised and more spare time than a Buddhist monk, you're not beating Lego at their own game.
The construction of Lego is half the fun, even when you're following the manual, and there's a lot to be gleaned and appreciated from the intricate inner-workings and step-by-step iterations of the build, from a geometry, physics, mechanics and creative perspective. In this way, Lego becomes like art or something metaphysical like meditation, having no purpose but itself.
The idea behind Lego isn't to think to yourself, "Wow, how much money did I spend on this set and would I be having more fun if I just randomly threw bricks together in any haphazard combinations?", it's to marvel at how simple pieces of plastic become utterly brilliant cogs in a unique, intricate and beautiful system of interconnected parts.
It's really no different from reading fiction or many other forms of entertainment media that are multi-billion dollar-a-year industries that no one questions the legitimacy of; they're all forms of escapism and the appreciation of creative beauty through its multitude ways of expression.
LOL, I think I just got flattened by a massive Lego fan :-)
Gotta chill out a bit here.
Extremely defensive reply when Zaddo was just asking about the general fascination with Lego, and very respectfully I might add.
He wasn't questioning or asking collectors to justify anything.
I collect stuff as well, and have friends who are into Warhammer, which is not a cheap hobby by any means.
After casually asking about it, they explained some of it to me, and I was kind of interested in it as well.
Stories and art mainly, I don't spend money on it.
A nice measured reply to Zaddo might have won Lego a new convert.
Wouldn't have hurt, at the very least.
Very easy.
I buy it and it's fun building or collecting.
If it's too expensive, then I skip it, eg. Lamborgini Sian at the Lego store.
scalpers bought them all lol
Thanks OP. Got another one.
Got one
got one with delivery fee
how much did you pay?
You could search for the set number on Aliexpress and get a compatible version for about 1/2 this price tag.
Trade off being that it will take a while to land on your doormat.
I've got the compatible version in transit at the moment. From memory it was about $45 or so.
i have purchased both Lego and "lego like" blocks in the past, i would not buy knock offs for 1/2 price. I aim for 1/3 at minimum, in saying that with AUD and shipping costs and time, i don't think i will be purchasing much MOC's/knock offs for some time… also knock offs are not all made equal so do your research.
Sure you've saved $60, but now you own a Lepin set which is a stain that is hard to wash away.
@zuuutoootuuu was right, they seem to add stock randomly.
I used to notify me of price changes (set to less than $100). It notified me at 3PM but I only saw the email at 3:30PM so it was out of stock by then. Just checked again randomly and there was one last one in stock. Super lucky!
back in stock
Damn it missed out.
Can't add