• expired

Free Web Hosting for 12 Month - Covid19 Assistance @ Host Hero (No CC Req.)


Covid-19 Assistance Offer

We understand many Australians in business will find themselves in a tough spot financially as a result of COVID-19. If you are having trouble keeping up with your website hosting payments, please accept our offer of assistance and our team will do everything we can to help by providing free website hosting and free support to anybody with an active website.

We’re passionate about supporting all fellow Australian businesses and hobbyists and we want to do our part to help preserve the Australian way of life during and after this pandemic.

We don’t ask for any financial commitment from anybody accepting our offer of assistance for 12 months

We are 100% Australian owned and operated with a 100% Australian support team.
We believe in local.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Awesome gesture

  • +5

    Nice offer.
    nice business strategy.

  • +2

    Thanks OP ! great initiative.

    This offer is extended to anybody who meets the following requirements

    Has an active website on the internet
    Is an Australian Citizen or Resident
    Is over 18 years of age
    Must have an Australian telephone or mobile number for verification

    • +4

      No problem, feel free to fill out the form and a support team member will get you some hosting today. As long as you have a domain registered already or want to register one first, that's our only requirement.

  • +2

    Very generous offer HostHero.
    FYI - Pandemic is misspelled as pandemimc on the linked page.

    • +2

      Thank you very much for pointing that out, our website guy has now fixed the typo. :-)

      • +1

        Haha, now it's pendemic :)

        • +1

          Thanks again DJ, our website guy has fixed that typo which was in a different spot to the original one. :-)

  • +2

    +1 for truly free hosting without CC details required

    I’m with VentraIP and a very happy customer but will certainly recommend this service to my colleagues looking for hosting for their brand new sites!

  • Great offer!

    I'm using webfaction but have been wanting to move over to an Australian based company ever since they were bought out by Go Daddy.

    But, I've got multiple websites (business, experiments and personal sites), that is all included in a monthly fee (less than $20).

    Do you have anything like that (after the free year is up)? It'd be rough to have 1 monthly fee per website (which seems the go with Australian web hosts).

    • +1

      It sounds like you may be looking for what's commonly called "Reseller Hosting" where one fixed cost gets you multiple hosting accounts. I would be more than happy to have one of our team members discuss this with you. Please feel free to send an email to [email protected] and we'll get back to you shortly. :-)

      • It's more akin to offerings from places like Dreamhost, where you can have "unlimited" websites and domains (as long as you're within the Fair Use Policy and you understand the limitations and performance implications of shared hosting)…

        • +1

          Yes exactly, we can offer this kind of hosting as well as fully managed VPS servers runnning our standard managed environment although it wouldn't be covered under the assistance package. :-)

  • Thanks, OP, will send notices to my clients who need them.

  • +2

    So refreshing to see someone being decent and helpful without having their own interests or profit in mind. Thank you

  • If I have a .com & .com.au domain with someone else and want to point it to you for the free hosting , is this an easy thing to do (simply updating the dns I assume)?

    Do you have email hosting too?

    Awesome gesture and deal by the way, good on you!

    • We can migrate your existing hosting as part of this offer at no cost at which point you would simply update your domain to point to our nameservers. Our hosting does allow emails to be hosted from within cPanel. Alternatively, we are also a Google partner and can offer G-Suite hosting at a cost where required.

      • If emails matter to you the do the gsuite thing for sure. It costs about $8 a month but it’s easy and secure.

        • Wouldn't Office 365 be better as you get Exchange emails plus Office apps for about the same price.

          • @spaceflight: Hi Spaceflight,

            It depends on the business and requirements too.

            Google also offers Drive, Docs, Sheets and all the other online productivity Apps.

            They both provide a very similar offering.

            Some prefer G-Suite and other prefer Office365 based on which the individual has used in the past.

            We primarily offer G-Suite simply because we started offering hosted mail before Office365 was availiable to resellers other than Telstra in Australia although we may reassess this decision in the future.

            It's worth noting we do manage Office365 for a number of clients on a case-by-case basis where the client has specifically asked us to do so.

          • @spaceflight: Does Office 365 Home let you have custom domains? I pay for it for Office and OneDrive but always assumed Exchange wasn't worth the hassle.

            • @AustriaBargain: @AustriaBargain: Hi AustriaBargain,

              Don't quote me on this response, however I don't believe the Home plans offer custom domain mapping or exchange hosting on any tiers.

              That is reserved for the Business Microsoft 365 plans.

              Again, we focus on G-Suite as a dedicated email solution in any case so I'm much more comfortable with questions about that :-)

  • Hi OP, fantastic gesture - appreciate it.

    Is the process for migrating from SquareSpace difficult? I think I'm part way through a 12 month plan.

    • +1

      Hi Illumination,

      If you built your website using the Squarespace proprietary website builder, it likely cannot be transferred away from them. Sites built with their builder are locked to their hosting in most cases.

      Although, if you'd like us to confirm this for you, please feel free to send an email to [email protected] and someone from our migrations team would be happy to check it all out for you and let you know what your options are!

      • how about Wix? or other recommendations for a good and cheap and transferable web builder?

        • Wix is very much the same, although I believe with some Wix sites you can transfer them to a new host but you loose access to the Site Builder.

          We can check that for you though if you send an email to [email protected] containing your login details.

          • @HostHero Adrian: thanks, i've checked it out more and wix is far more trouble than it's worth. what do you guys recommend for a comparable small ecommerce package (site builder and accounting backend)?

            • @xrailgun: Unfortunately, most website builder products don't provide advanced functionality like accounting or WYSIWYG and those which do are too complicated for me to recommend.

              The good ones are locked to their own hosting.

              We do however offer website building services on a case-by-case basis and the cost can be competitive (and a lot less than you would think).

              I emplore you to reach out to our sales team at [email protected] and we can discuss our options with you further.

              • @HostHero Adrian: Your hosthero site is Wordpress it looks like, and I wouldn't recommend learning Wordpress from scratch for a single website. It's free and easy if you know how, but knowing how can be a long and painful process.

                • @AustriaBargain: edit: responded to the wrong comment.

                • @AustriaBargain: Hi AustriaBargain,

                  We are big fans of WordPress when it's used in cases where expectations are set correctly.

                  I would never suggest somebody with no experience could put together a website in WordPress overnight without a major learning curve, however in cases where a designer or developer has built a WordPress website for a client, it can make it very easy for a client to take that website and make modifications to the text, images, posts and content without requiring the ongoing support of a developer.

                  We've also found it to be significantly quicker for an experienced WordPress developer to build a website using WordPress so the overall cost of project tends to be less than a fully custom coded website.

                  Finally, it's very easy to find a low cost WordPress developer should the relationship between the original developer and the business owner break down.

                  • +1

                    @HostHero Adrian: Yes wordpress takes a little while to learn but once you do it is worth it. So many plugins… and you can whip up a site very quickly.

  • +1

    i have wordpress sites hosted, how easy is it to move them over? How long would they be down for? Great deal thanks.

    • +1

      We can migrate them over for you. All you need to do is provide us with the login credentials for your previous hosting.

      The best part is, we can do it all with no downtime.

      • I suppose I could move over one or two sites and then if it is all good, the rest…?

        • Hi Misha Bakunin,

          If your existing hosting is cPanel-based hosting, we will clone the entire hosting account over for you.

          You can then choose to pont one or two domains to our nameservers and once you're happy with the hosting, you can re-point the rest.

          There are some things to be mindful of relating to DNS propagation and out-of-data data on the new server, although we can discuss these with you to identify if this will be a problem in your case once the new account is provisioned.

          • @HostHero Adrian: great! I shall sign-up soon thanks again you guys are stand up for offering this. I am certainly hurting because of this corona issue… What times is your online support open?? (I work at night ususally)

            • @Misha Bakunin: Hi Misha Bakunin,

              Our main telephone support line is availiable between 9-9PM AEST.

              Our Billing line is availiable: Monday – Friday 9AM – 5PM
              Our Live Chat is availiable: Monday – Friday 9AM – 9PM (Althouth this has been extended today to facilitate the demand generated by this assistance offer).

              Our helpdesk support is availiable 24/7 with an average response time between 30-60 minutes.

              Our staff are located in Queensland between the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast.

  • +1

    Hi Adrian

    Rocky's looking for you.

    Joking :). Is the backend cPanel?

  • If you have a personal blog/website in blogger.com provided by google wether you use your own domain name or just blogger.com
    Why would someone want to pay to host it when you can get it free. Unless you need specific requirements, features etc..

    • Hi Atlinus,

      I agree with you entirely, if a free blogging tool works for you and your needs, power to you! :-)

      • Trying to figure out what brnefits are added value it can provide which sonething i am not aware.

        • Hi Atlinus,

          Primarily, web hosting is a service that acts as a home on the internet for a custom built website created by a savvy technical person or website developer specifically for your business.

          Therefore, your website could have any number of features or requirements agreed upon by you and your developer when the website is built.

          This could range from an online ordering system, client manager, online shop or anything else you can imagine might be a handy feature for you to have on your website on the internet!

          These features may not be required by all businesses but for those who need them, that website needs a home on the internet! :-)

  • +1

    This is very nice of you guys. Aussies supporting Aussies, cannot ask for anything better.

  • Hi HostHero,

    Awesome offer.

    I no longer have a website and domain (hibernated the business).

    Was wondering if I reactivated the domain etc, would I be eligible?

    It would more be for the purpose of prebuilding up the website again and paying hosting fees after the year ends (better than dreamhost imo!)

    • Hi RiceMuncher,

      That's perfectly okay with us.

      As long as you have an active registered domain, simply fill out the application form and we'll get back to you with a hosting account for the domain in question! :-)

  • Very generous of you HostHero!

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