This was posted 4 years 8 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] PS Plus July 2020 - Rise of The Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration / Erica / NBA 2K20 @ PlayStation


Greetings everyone, seems like the PS Plus Games have been released for the 10 year anniversary :)

They are: Erica, Rise of the Tomb Raider and NBA 2K20.

Hi everyone! Wow, it’s been 10 years since PlayStation Plus was first introduced to the world on June 29, 2010, and we truly want to thank all of you for supporting PS Plus over the past decade. It’s been a memorable journey over the years, bringing gamers together and providing access to compelling content and exclusive discounts for our members. We wouldn’t be here without all of you, so as a thank you, we wanted to make this upcoming monthly games announcement extra special by adding a bonus game to our incredible lineup.

Here are the games for PS Plus members, available July 7 until August 3.


Immerse yourself in an interactive live-action thriller which puts you at the heart of the mystery.
• Delve into Erica’s past as you piece together the shocking truth behind her father’s death.
• Face the consequences of your actions as you influence how the narrative unfolds and arrive at multiple alternative endings.
• Reach into the world by interacting with clues using your DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller or the Erica app for iOS and Android*.

Rise of the Tomb Raider : 20 Year Celebration

In Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara Croft becomes more than a survivor as she embarks on her first Tomb Raiding expedition to the most treacherous and remote regions of Siberia.

Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration is PS4™ Pro Enhanced and offers three modes to customize your gaming experience: 4K Resolution for unprecedented fidelity, High Framerate for even smoother gameplay, or Enriched Visuals for the lushest and most realistic graphics possible.

The game includes the new “Blood Ties” single player content, PSVR support for “Blood Ties”, new 'Lara's Nightmare' zombie combat mode, new online Co-op play for Endurance mode, new “Extreme Survivor” difficulty setting for the main campaign, 20 Year Celebration outfit and gun, and 5 classic Lara skins. It also includes all previously released downloadable content. With over 50 hours of gameplay, and nominated for more than 85 awards, this is the most comprehensive version of the critically-acclaimed experience.

NBA 2K20

NBA 2K has evolved into much more than a basketball simulation. 2K continues to redefine what’s possible in sports gaming with NBA 2K20, featuring best in class graphics & gameplay, ground breaking game modes, and unparalleled player control and customization. Plus, with its immersive open-world Neighborhood, NBA 2K20 is a platform for gamers and ballers to come together and create what’s next in basketball culture.

As always, enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP, Finally the wait is over!

  • +13

    just purchased NBA2k20 this month, sucks

    • +18

      Thanks for your sacrifice

    • +4

      At least you get to keep it when your subscription is over

      • +5

        Yeah, but then he'll probably prefer NBA2K24 or whatever. He wont even glance at 2K20.

        • +3

          That is so true garworsby

    • Same. And never played.

    • +1

      Same… Fortunately it's only for $7.50

    • Literally just sold 2k20 on eBay. Niceeee

      • +5

        This has happened to me more than once. Such a great feeling! Haha. But you do feel bad for the other guy…. just a bit….

  • +1

    Is it free?

    • +1

      Yes but no. You need an active subscription to play. Whilst you have the subscription you have to purchase the games for free.

      • It's more so "rented".

  • +1

    Erica, nice!

  • +4

    The whole tomb raider reboot trilogy was really under rated and rise is probably my favourite of the 3. Definitely worth playing if you never have it's really good.

    • Is it worth checking out the first one before starting this or doesn't matter?

      • I've only played the first reboot and thought it was excellent.

      • +1

        I felt the story in all the games was super forgettable, even though the game itself was a lot of fun. I'd say you'd be fine playing the second one before the first.

      • I played the first one about 6 months ago, quite fun worth the play. Each one gets progressively better.

    • +1

      Definitely worth playing but imo the first one is probably the best of all the three. I 100% completed it as well, which is pretty nice to say for the first one.

      Second game (the one on this deal) drags a bit too long but still a pretty good story nonetheless. And it's free too.

  • +2

    This is the best Tomb Raider out of the 3 reboots imo.

    • Yes I agree. Edit: wait I thought Shadow was

      • +2

        for me it went downhill after the first reboot. shadow was the worst.

        • +1

          Yeah a lot of people didn’t appreciate Shadow’s focus on exploration over the combat. it was a perfect mix for me.

          • +1

            @Rimzi: I personally found each one to got better than the last myself. Shadow was fantastic. I'm a sucker for good exploration though.

            • +1

              @ONEMariachi: Totally agreed. Just imagine what they will achieve with the next one

              • @Rimzi: Gotta say, getting pretty excited for exploration/open world games with the new tech/engines of the next gen consoles coming.

  • -3

    Uni holidays could be sorted on 2k, gotta get the wallet prepped for coin buying

  • never played any of the nba 2k games, keen to try it out

    • +9

      Yep, they need to give away cyberpunk 2077 and the last of us part 2.

      • +2

        True that. Free downloads of Cyberpunk 2077 5 months before it's released or GTFO Sony!

  • I really hope they bring PS Now to Australia soon.

    • +4

      I don't think Malcolm turnbull's legacy could handle it. #soonerfastercheaper

      • -1

        Nah, I'm pretty sure you can download the games off PSNow (except for the PS3 ones) if your internet isn't good enough to stream. I assume it's more some kind of business reason behind this more than a technical one. I suspect they'll probably make it available here around the time the PS5 is released, but who knows.

      • *LNP/murdoch legacy

    • +6

      If only people voted Labor….

  • Bought those 2 games already.

    • +3

      Get Erica, a good choose your own adventure movie

    • +1

      KOBH Not sure how you got a downvote over stating a fact. +’d you

      • +2

        There are a lot of haters out there. Will check out Erica for sure.

  • +5

    Looking forward to the PS+ 10th Anniversary Theme, I hope it's free as in we get to keep it and not just during our membership.

  • Remember when Tomb Raider 2 released exclusively on Xbox? Made me so mad that I swore I wouldn't pay for it. Now I just have to wait for number 3 to follow suit.

  • -4

    as a thank you, we wanted to make this upcoming monthly games announcement extra special by adding a bonus game to our incredible lineup.

    Gee whiz, mister, a whole bonus game, bringing the total up to 3 this month? Wow thanks. That's almost as many as Xbox and now about half what you'd get in an average month in the day.

    • -1

      Did you just compare 3 newer games to 2 ancient satanicbox360 games?!?

      wow I'll never know the mentality of xboTs…and frankly I don't wanna know, not gonna get brainwashed by a satanic corporation…

      • -2

        First off, not an Xbot.
        Second, the reasoning for my post is more the last bit, that this is half of what SONY used to give us.
        Third, "not gonna get brainwashed", buddy, you are unironically calling the 360 the "satanicbox360" and I'm the brainwashed one?
        Forth though, yes I am comparing it. Tomb Raider is 5 or so years old, NBA is a dollar everywhere every year, and this "bonus game" is like 13 dollars on the PSN. I'd say both are offering a pretty budget lineup, only differences it the quantity.

  • +5

    Rise of the Tomb Raider comes with this randomly generated winter search and survival mode, completely moddable by cards you find in the main game. You can even play it co-op. IMO it’s one of the best dlcs ever released for any game.

  • -2

    This list of games could have been released in any non anniversary month and nobody would have noticed.

  • +2

    Definitely recommend Erica and rise of the tomb raider

  • +1

    Already got Tomb Raider and no interested in NBA 2K20, but I think I'll give Erica a go. I haven't played an FMV game since the early days of CD ROM gaming when they were laughably, cringe-inducingly bad, generally with actors so amateurish that you had to assume that they'd just roped the office receptionist to stand in front of a green screen for half an hour during her lunch break. Well, apart from Ripper which had Christopher Walken, Karen Allen and John Rhys-Davies (among others) in it. But was still garbage :D

  • +1

    Lol I bought NBA a month ago for 25$.

    I got stooged hahaha.

  • I remember buying rise of the tomb raider years ago from the microsoft store for like $7.

    Maybe now I'll actually get around to playing it!

  • +3

    10 years with this game selection is a cop out. Really, NBA? Whatever Sony, huge respect for EPIC and everything they do now.

    10 years guys, and you give NBA LOL!!

    • +2

      I agree. Me personally i hoped they would go down the path of giving us crash bandicoot n sane trilogy and re7 as a throwback to the ps1 era. It's not like that was a big stretch the crash trilogy is like 3 years old and re7 is a ps hits title, even at eb games it's $24 new.

      • +3

        You're disappointed that out of the 4,000+ PS4 games on the PS Store, they didn't happen to pick the specific 2 that you were hoping for?

        • -3

          Mate, use your brain for a second

          • @RocketSwitch: My brain is wondering why the 10th anniversary of PS+ would make a difference to what games they offer? They're already offering an extra one (3 this month instead of the usual 2). Why would offering Crash Bandicoot and RE7 as a throwback to the PS1 era make sense? It's the 10th anniversary of PS+, not the PS1 - perhaps they should actually give away a few PS Minis and a couple of themes as a throwback to the origins of PS+? And if you really want a throwback to the PS1 era, a Tomb Raider game is just as good an option as a RE or Crash Bandicoot game.

            • @AngusD: They removed the free games you used to received for PS Vita and PS3, so offering an extra one leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

              You see, when you celebrate 10th anniversary of PS+, you would think you would want to make the occasion memorable right?

              Now, I agree with you that it is a matter of opinion, I haven't sent the survey out, but I'm sure NBA would be a poor choice, but that's my opinion.

              It's a 10th anniversary. I have no problem with the other games, I mean Erica wouldn't be my choice, but damn, they could have really used the event for something.

              Instead, for me, it's the event that gave NBA away, which if you had to argue, I will always remember, so maybe, after all, they did a good job here.

        • +1

          Not disappointed never played Erica or Rise of the Tomb Raider. I just have no interest in nba2k20 but like i said personal opinion and was hoping that it would be Crash Bandicoot this month due to the fourth one being announced, the trilogy remaster being 3 years old and the original games being a PS1 exclusive. If sony are going to make a song and dance about celebrating 10 years of PS Plus getting Crash Bandicoot carries more weight then an NBA game you get every year and the only changes you get are different rosters, slight graphic Improvements and more microtransactions.

          • @Reecey: Oh, I'm not arguing with you there. It's not a great month for me - I've got no interest in NBA 2KWhatever, already got Rise of the Tomb Raider, and never even heard of Erica (although I'll give that one a try). But that's the nature of the service - it's a lucky dip. Like you said, it's all a matter of opinion and taste, but that's the nature of a service like PS+ - some months are great (I'm still playing a lot of Dirt Rally 2 from a few months back), some months are meh. But if you ask different people, they'll give you different answers as to which month was which. I was really happy last year when they announced PES2019 was going to be on PS+, but a whole lot of other people were outraged for reasons I still don't really understand. Then, of course, I was disappointed when they changed it and a lot of other people seemed happy about it.

      • -1

        Ah, a comment that uses reason.

        If I was Sony and celebrating 10 years, why would I put NBA up? When it was 95% off a month ago?

  • +3

    big MEH for me…
    i decent game i already have, and the other 2 aren't my sort of game..
    A better 'thank you' would have been a voucher for any game in the store released more than 2 months ago or something

    • +3

      Careful now, NBA fans might give you negs

      • +2

        I didn't mention which game was which… ;)

      • +1

        Naah we won't, most NBA fans hate NBA 2K20 anyways…..

        • +2

          Happy 10th anniversary lol

    • +1

      They can't really go around just giving away games off the store without actually getting the OK from the publishers, though.

      A more realistic possibility might be that they do one of those PS+ double discounts sale where there are often some extremely good deals for PS+ subscribers. I wouldn't be surprised to something like that at some point during July.

  • Own 1, kinda interested in 1 and don't want 1. So, it's a "eh" kinda month for me.

  • How do you fit all these games on your hard drive?

    • +1

      You can add them to your library without having to download them… As long as you have PS plus they will be available for download then.

      • Cool had no idea about this

  • Question: I have a PS Plus trial code (unused). Can I activate the trial and download the games? Is there a minimum membership duration required to be eligible for the PS Plus free games?

    • Nope no minimum. You will lose access though once your trial expires.

      • -1

        Even after you've added them to your library and downloaded the games? So I won't be able to play them if my ps plus is expired?

        • Correct. The games come available once you resubscribe though.

        • Correct

  • +2

    Just downloading NBA… Probably gonna play it one evening and then delete. Can't wait :D

  • -3

    Good post but not as good as Hamilton on Disney+

  • FYI to anyone downloading NBA2K20, there are currently 10+ free codes for their "MyTeam" mode including some rare, end-game players (essentially their pay to win create a team mode).

    here's the link to the codes:

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