Need Custom Ear Buds - Need Help!

Hi All,
Due to my job (dentist), i purchased noise cancelling ear buds. They are great to remove high pitched sounds but allow for talking. However, i have very small ear canals and they generally don't sit in well.
I was wondering if any one knows of a company that can make the foam bud bit custom to fit my ear and attach to the actual device.

Ive got a link to the photos to my onedrive.!Ap_M6FkdYgJlhoFI4rSJ91h8sNeMuw?e=F7r5De

Many thanks in advance.


  • +1

    These people can make molds to fit your ear. You wanted a custom black foam bud like in picture but still fits your ear?…

    • Does not have to be black foam. But something to be able to clip onto the device and thus then fit into my ear nicely without falling out.

      • You want the LabFlex Custom Earmold
        They can fit just about any form of electronics into the LabFlex Earmold.

        I had a similar one made 2 years ago, they came to my workplace to get my ear impressions then shipped the complete product a couple of days after.

        • I think that is what i need. I have emailed them photos, waiting for a reply.

  • +2

    Eye buds

    Misleading title.

    • Lets hope as a dentist they dont drill your ears thinking that they are teeth 😀

    • whoops. thanks for the edit :-)

  • Not custom, but these are regarded highly in general?

    • Thank you. Ill check them out. Hopefully they have a small size.


    Very expensive, but if it's worth it for you it's worth it.

    • They look great. Seems to be USA. Ive emailed them so hopefully they will get back to me. I have a 3d scanner at work so probably can scan my molds and send them in stl form.

  • +2

    If you want some cheap option, you can try SpinFit if you have oddly shaped ear canal or do DIY Custom Mould

  • If a dentist was wearing ear buds while looking at my mouth, im finding a new dentist

    • They cancel the high pitched noises which we are hearing all day. We can hear normally and talk normally to our patients.

  • I would definitely recommend checking out the Comply Foam ear tips or equivalent first. This is the cheapest way to achieve a 'seal' that will passively block out sound. What noises get played through is dependent on the noise cancelling tech in your choice of NC earphones.

    Foam tips need to match up with your earphones of choice. Check their website for a compatibility guide. I can't tell from the photos what earphones you're using.
    Usually the foam tips have a hard plastic 'core' that attached to your ear piece. If you find that the plastic core is too small to fit over the ear piece, you can actually stretch them. I use 3-4 pieces of dental floss [ I'm sure you can find some ;-) ] to pull + stretch the plastic core to fit over larger ear pieces. This allows me to fit the foam tips on earphones that are not supposed to be compatible.

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