Canningvale 50% OFF RRP using the above coupon code until 31 October 2011
Enjoy :)
Canningvale 50% OFF RRP using the above coupon code until 31 October 2011
Enjoy :)
Referrer gets $20 in points. Referee gets a $25 off $99+ Spend.
Canningvale's exclusive Melbourne University offer 50% off RRP SITE-WIDE
We welcome all students and staff to use coupon code: MELBUNI50 (at checkout) to enable your 50% off RRP discount on all Canningvale bathroom, bedroom and beach ranges.
I don't know if they do any sort of checking (in particular, whether they check your city). Up to your conscience whether you want to (ab)use the deal.
its not that, i wonder what is the deal that they suddenly felt that they should show some love ;)
I'm trying to figure that out too. Never seen them at Melb uni, and they're based in Richmond (so not even near by). Maybe university students are an untapped market for home textiles?
Meh, Meh!
50% off is 50% off Matt-gal
2 for 1, is that better?
1/2 price?
What ever language you talk, it is a still a great deal.
Good quality products at a good deal price.
why melbuni?