The owners of secure the future have told me that they will give out free tickets to the sydney and brisbane harry dent event
For sydney, turn up to Luna Park in the Next two days from 8:30am - 9pm
Say that Anne has told you about the event, the event staff will then register you and let you in for free.
For Brisbane, go to the website and enter "SECURE" in the coupon code
Enter your name and details, register for the event. you will not have to put in credit card details.
I have been told that if you are my friend (friend of Anne), the owners will let you go to the bonus day in sydney for free (additional freebee). People are paying $97 for this day at the event, you get to meet Harry Dent.
Sydney, Luna park, 12th, 13th and 15th October.
Brisbane, Convention Centre 14th, 15th, 16th october
I will be at the Sydney Event.
Other speakers: Andrew Barnett, Steven Molner, graham Richardson, John Thomas, Daniel Kertcher, Steve Clements, Rick Otton, Peter Spann, Steven Essa, Alan Patching, Brian Horn, Mark Bouris, Mal Emery, Adam Ginsberg (i suggest googling them to see what they will talk about if you are interested)
I dont make anything from this obviously as it is free. just letting people who may be interested know about the event.
Some people may not like the above speakers, please dont shoot the messenger. I am just letting people know how to get in for free.
Some people have paid thousands for this to get platinum tickets.
I read Harvey Dent and I was like what what?