Not as good as the previous deal at $9 but still an amazing price.
[in Store] JBL Pop Jr Portable Bluetooth Speaker - Blue/Red/Purple $10 (Save $40) @ Target

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Yes waterproof and pretty much indestructible. I've had mine for over a year and dropped it on the shower floor a dozen times or so and it's still going strong. When it gets mouldy i spray it with bleach and good as new. I'll be buying another one for sure.
Oh and sound great and battery lasts ages each charge.Yeah, these are great for the shower!
Good for travelling too.
Sound quality is so-so though, kinda similar to the Google home mini.
Which target is this OP?
Rhodes in NSW
Ouch. Thanks OP. My nearest Target is Liverpool. However I try to call them but the answering machine says they are not open yet… ??? 10:33 and not open yet?
Well. I've managed to check floor stock at a few stores. However none of nearby store has the blue/real color… :(
Things going crazy with speakers and smart speakers these days. Google Nest mini was only $19 a few days ago.
Got one in the last deal. Great sound quality and the kids love the lights. Easy to carry around an pretty much toddler proof
Save $10 you mean?
Nah coz it was $50 full price
But it says in the tag. $10 price. Save $10.
you should report it then
Got one free with a Galaxy A31 I bought as a pressie for someone. I thought it was a kids toy.
@NGPriest need your stock input on this hahahahaha
Sorry I was late…
Thanks for sharing OP!
Correct as of: 26/06/2020 18:03
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NSW QLD SA VIC WA Ulladulla, NSW Earlville, QLD Tea Tree Plaza, SA Broome, WA
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I'll try harder next time…
you're so chill lol
Did you get prompt when I @NGPriest or did you actually click this deal… Anyway to tag someone?
Brookside QLD 1 purple left as at 12pm
Correct as of: 27/06/2020 23:18
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ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Ulladulla, NSW Earlville, QLD Tea Tree Plaza, SA Broome, WA
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They're actually pretty good.Thanks OP, got one
these the waterproof ones? if so, they're actually quite good. Battery lasts AGES too