This was posted 4 years 8 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, XB360] Xbox Games with Gold July 2020 - WRC8, Dunk Lords, Saints Row 2, Juju


Description from Xbox website

Today, we’re excited to reveal Games with Gold for July! On Xbox One, command your rally car to victory in extreme conditions in WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship and rule the court with high-flying dunks and confidence-smashing rejections in Dunk Lords. On the Xbox 360, and Xbox One via Backward Compatibility, take back Stilwater in the classic Saints Row 2 and save the land from an ancient evil in the platformer, Juju.

Xbox Live Gold members will have exclusive access to these games for a limited time as part of Games with Gold. With Xbox Live Gold, you get the most advanced multiplayer service, free games, and exclusive member discounts on games in the Microsoft Store — get Xbox Live Gold today to get in on the action or join Xbox Game Pass Ultimate which includes all these fantastic benefits plus access to over 100 great games with Xbox Game Pass.

WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship ($49.99 ERP): Available July 1 to 31 on Xbox One
Dunk Lords ($19.99 ERP): Available July 16 to August 15 on Xbox One
Saints Row 2 ($9.99 ERP): Available July 1 to 15 on Xbox One & Xbox 360
Juju ($14.99 ERP): Available July 16 to 31 on Xbox One & Xbox 360

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Saints Row 2? Sweet, no need to risk scratching the disc now!

    • I wish they made a sequel to Saints Row 2.

      • There is, it’s called Saints Row 3.

        • +1

          It was a half made game. It was basically a new map, little to no story missions and mostly just grinding activities. Saints Row 4 did away with missions almost completely and relied on grinding activities (like Crackdown 3 did).

          I want a sequel to Saints Row 2, set in reality with a little bit of stupidity where you go on story missions.

  • the link takes me to US, does AU have the same games?

    • Juju is not available for Australia, so we will get a replacement, most likely something we have already had. We will get the other 3 games.

      • Is there a reason we don't have Juju? And is there some sort of VPN method to get around such restrictions?

        • prob just change region to usa , grab it then back to oz.

        • Not too sure, just wasn't released in Australia for some reason, like a lot of other games we miss out on.
          Because it is an Xbox 360 game changing region on site won't work. Changing region on the Xbox one should work, that is how I got ninja garden black on gamepads when it was there as that is another game not available to Australia.

          • @star64: There is a limit on changing regions per year (i can't remember how many but you can ask microsoft support, say you travel with work or something) and it flags your account under certain situations (ie twice in same day) and can auto ban/restrict account in others.

            I had huge problems with gold games years ago because my microsoft account had different location settings all over the place by default and spent alot of time talking and fixing it with support, the main issue was msn messenger (which i had never used) auto set to abu dhabi or some middle eastern country stopping me from getting any games that they couldn't get in the middle east. but even that didn't let me add minecraft which they had to add directly to my account. btw there are well over 10 location settings locations including defunct MS stuff like msn spaces and backend stuff that only support can do.

            At one point MS Support told to buy in USA, which they told me to add a us$ payment method using my paypal and a usa address of anyone i know (i used the white house but you should use a no tax state if buying with real $ not just free stuff)

            • @sealedjono: You can have multiple profiles on the same account. I have one for the USA with an address linked to a pizza restaurant in Delaware. You don't need to change your console's region. Just go to the US store on the website and buy it there using your US profile.

              • @SirFlibbled: yes thats what I did, used PC browser, as told by MS support as too much changing regions on console will lock your account. I have an old hotel i have been to as mine at the moment so i don't get taxed if making us$ purchases.

        • I have no idea. It's on PSN over here.

  • +1


  • +2

    The Games With Gold nightmare continues.

    • +1

      I'm half expecting they will announce the end of it shortly. Game Pass has taken over well and truly.

      • +1

        Except one of these things is free (with gold) and one isn't (additional fee to gold).

      • they are required to provide the games for the next 3 years as that is the max subscription time for gold and ultimate subscrriptions, but they could say no new gold or gamepass ultimate subscriptions from now locking any new ppl out but….

        Gamepass ultimate has been a bigger win for microsoft than just gamepass was, they definetly could have gamepass tiers or offer ppl the option of getting xbox game streaming instead of the games with gold but they are required to provide the games to those who have a already paid subscription but…

        Xbox series X is coming so they can shake up what console games are given but have to compete with Playstation especially early on in this console generation war! they already sub xbox original games for 360 as long as all games work on xbox one and with gamepass PC they are looking that way now too, i would love a "have these 2 xbox one & seriesX compatible games plus pick any 2 360/originalxbox/PC games from this monthly list" and fill the list with solid old games with gold giveaways and/or games that are taking a year off gamepass.

  • +4

    It seems like they are putting all their eggs into the Game Pass basket now. There was a period where these were great, however the last 4-6 months or so have been particularly weak

  • Anybody else not able to find Juju on the Xbox store?
    I went to the site and got it, not long after it went free and I have not been able to find it, not in my list of games or the store on xbox.

    • I got via the console itself. Must've been added much later than normal.

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