If this poll's results are different to the hand washing surveys in peer reviewed studies, then I'll know some of you are lying out of your unwashed asses.
Do you wash your hands after using the toilet?

Last edited 26/06/2020 - 17:39 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 166Always
- 18Sometimes
- 6Never
You could be living with one. What do people do after taking their morning constitutional? They go straight to the fridge to touch the food to make breakfast. Seems unlikely that 100% of people would wash their hands 100% of the time, meaning they are getting their poop particles on your food.
Same with your workplace, someone might take care of their business, not wash their hands, and then touch the kettle and milk jug and stuff in the staff kitchen. Then you make your coffee and absent mindedly touch your own face and mouth over the next few hours.
A few days later you come down with a mysterious sickness, "oh must be a bug going around" the same person who infected you says, yeah from their poop particles that ended up in your mouth.
Which reminds me I need to speak with HR to send a memo about hygiene as I know another staff member does exactly this after a pee though. Don't touch it, so don't need to waste time washing hands.
This is at least semi valid. Not advocating for it since you probs get some splash back or touch the toilet door. But in essence, it is much less bad than not washing after a no. 2.
I also have a few at my work place.
I don't know who because I am usually sitting in the toilet and heard someone comes in, do their business (either number 1 or 2) and then leaves without washing hands.
Don't get pee on your hand in the first place. But let's be real. There are way worse things than not washing your hands after using the toilet if germs and hygiene are your concern. Do you use your phone while using the toilet? Do you wash your phone after? How often do you wash your phone. Maybe that's why they have waterproof phones now.
Thanks for your honesty.
Who uses their phone whilst using the toilet?
I do. It's back in the pocket before wiping and doesn't get touched again until after washing hands.
Who doesn't is probably an easier question to answer.
I'm on the loo right now.
Most phones are waterproof nowadays, you could wash it after using toilet. Take the case off it before you even walk into the bathroom and put the case back on when you leave the bathroom, then the case will only ever be touched by washed hands.
As a man you can pretty much go hands-free at the toilet. This is why all women should put the seat back up after they've been.
I'd be worried you are touching the brown button after going "hands free" and spreading the browny goodness into the communal areas, coffee machine, biscuit jar. Some of my co-workers go #1 in the stall and flush then walk straight out and grab a biscuit. They are now dubbed JB's (Johnson Biscuits) or PB's (P3n15 Biscuits).
Leaving the lid up means fecal droplets fly around the room upon flushing though. Lid (and seat) should remain down.
Absolutely. This is why the lid should be put down, particularly if the toilet is shared with the bathroom.
Not many would admit it. I've caught people out and some even say they washed their hands while they were in.
I hate it when I'm at work and I am in the cubicle and I hear someone else in the toilet then they finish and just walk out without washing their hands. I always think that I now have to touch that door handle and I'm going to eat my lunch soon.
use paper towels or toilet paper
Eww - this is why I was never a fan of shaking hands.
Always wash hands and use soap. I was on a cruise, once, and this lady asked me if I worked in the medical profession because of the way I washed my hands. Also, put down the lid when you flush to avoid aerosolising the particles.
The poll results so far don't reflect what I see others do at all. I try to avoid hand shaking as much as possible for this reason.
I haven't paid much attention, but I also feel that the more people in public bathrooms at the same time, the higher the ratio of people who wash their hands, as if they're afraid of being seen not doing it. (Or I could just not notice as much)
While I'm washing my hands at one of the sinks, it's not unusual for 2 or 3 people to walk straight past and out the door.
I don't get it, I wont even touch the flush button, door handle or tap handles without a couple of sheets between my fingers and the device.
(profanity) what
I'll know some of you are lying out of your unwashed asses.
You got me. I didn't know I left a trail.
After #2 always but I can assure you not many men do after a pee .
Anyway need maze entrances to toilets where possible ( that would save a lot of germs spreading ) , non contact taps as its really disgusting in public toilets .
There are a fair few contact-less public toilets overseas where the cubicle door is automatic, the flush has a walk-away sensor, the tap and soap dispenser has a sensor and a maze entrance.
Forgot the 'kinda' option
with soap or just water?
after a pee, i don't use soap, just water.
after #2, always soap.I see a lot of guys do that - just running their hands under a some water after wee'ing. But then they walk out without drying them - wet hands are incredibly effective at spreading germs.
This study suggests water is only about 8% effective, soap & water about 52.5% effective and alcoholic hand rub about 95% effective at removing the sorts of microorganisms we don't want on our hands.
I've seen a lot of people walk out of public restrooms without washing their hands, then touch others things instore. Some people say they touch they face 100 times a day… Ignorance is bliss I guess lolol.
I work in a place where I have to use public restrooms. The design is simple with sinks to the right and cubicles and urinal on the left. The amount of people I saw walk out of toilet without going to the sink area disgust me.
More common in the gents rather than women's. (So my husband tells me - an avid washer!)
My employer is planning how to return to office based work. I wrote to the "return to work" team on monday asking how they would manage the fridge full of mouldy food, the people that won't clean the kitchen or microwave and most of all those that don't wash after using the toilet.
Apart from those that leave the cubicle and don't wsh their hands the worst I've seen is the person that left the urinal, bipassed the sinks and dried his hands on the blower. WTF?
My name is Bear (true), and people always ask me when I lived in the bush, "do bears shit in the bush?"
Well, I was having a shit in the woods one day and a bunny came along.
I looked down and said to him," does shit stick to your fur?"
The bunny said, "no"
So I picked him up and wiped my arse with him :)At my previous company there used to be a dude who would yell out from his cubicle if he heard anyone leaving without washing their hands. Nothing like a 'aren't you gonna wash your hands you filthy bastard' roared in a thick scottish accent to shame people into doing it.
Personally I always wash my hands. Even in public bathrooms like at the zoo or airport where it seems almost everyone else doesn't. If there's no soap, use water and a lot of friction, if there's no towels then friction rubbing until they are dry. Ideally followed up with a bit of hand sanitiser after leaving the bathroom, especially if there's door handles or taps to touch.
Really, I thought this was a given. Please tell me this isn’t a thing, I’ve always been one to shake people’s hands too… I find it hard to believe some people consider this optional.