If you're a bit of a label snob and want to look like you're rocking up with an $800 Grange to a party only to disappoint all your fellow guests with an $11 quaffer then this is the wine for you!
Yes it's not an expensive wine to start off with but generally $~13-14 at Dan Murphy's ($20 at BWS). or just over $11 each if you want 6 Shiraz's (https://www.danmurphys.com.au/product/DM_72232/penfolds-koon…)
Vintage Cellars currently doing them for $12.21 or $10.99 each in 6, not bad to stock up your newly created cellar funded by Jobkeeper/jobseeker after getting made redundant from your grad-level accounting job.
I find these a bit of a go to at $12, really good value and very pleasurable to drink IMO