SMR, 20 dollar cheaper than MWave last week, plus free shipping. Seems like there are still some OW showing limited stock for price matching.
Update: out of stock online. Pickups only.
SMR, 20 dollar cheaper than MWave last week, plus free shipping. Seems like there are still some OW showing limited stock for price matching.
Update: out of stock online. Pickups only.
It’s just marketing, works like any other external hard drive
It's just a regular hard drive so yes it will work
Cool, it was this one line that i was concerned about:
"store 200 plus titles with an external hard drive and hub built exclusively for Xbox"
Glad to know it is just a regular HDD just with some ports etc.
Depends on the internals - if I recall correctly, a drive on a USB hub will not work on a PS4.
So if the device is a thee port hub with the drive taking port one, it will not work.
Hmmm, that makes sense, ive seen that error before about too many devices connected, blah blah.
Guess ill see if my local officeworks has any, and will price beat, that way if it doesnt work, ill just return it.
@Tihocan is right - this will NOT work properly on a PS4 due to the built-in USB hub. PS4 doesn't support having external storage on a USB hub, it must be plugged in directly to a USB port.
Should be just enough to get us through the next Modern Warfare update.
Anyone know if you can use the USB ports to transfer files? Or are they just for charging devices?
Yes, you can transfer files from the USB ports on this device.
I would think so seeing the product specifications page is listing them as:
"Dual front-facing USB 3.0 ports".…
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Anyone tried shucking these to see what drive was inside?
Those were the very early ones, there is no chance you will get a pro today.
Thanks, I guess I should know better than to just do a quick google!
Still pretty cheap for 8TB but not going in my NAS.
That Tweaktown article was in error. These are plain Barracuda drives, not Pro.
Yeah, they are SMR drives
I got 2 from the MWave deal. One is an SMR drive. Haven't got the other one yet, as I had a family member order it, and haven't collected it as yet.
Being SMR, they are perfect for my needs of storing TV/Movies/Photos on.
I bought one from this deal, so 3 should tide me over …
Yep - bought and shucked mine from the Mwave deal.
Can confirm, Seagate Barracuda 8TB, and it's definitely an SMR drive.
Good to use as a movie storage that connected to Shield Pro?
Stay away from these guys, these SMR drives are scary. Have lost 10TB worth of Steam data which I have to now download again :(
As much as I hate SMR with a burning passion, you can lose data from any drive of any type from any brand.
Failure should be expected. There's always a risk.
Now, if there's a higher average failure rate, that's worth noting.
SMR is perfect for heavy read usage, and writing large amounts of data. That's what it's designed for.
Failures occur when used with lots of small writes.
Can you explain this a little further? When you say failures with lots small writes, does that mean like moving small files to it like (extreme example) like one at a time, as opposed moving them all in one go? Is doing the latter better there's less start stop of the needle? Sorry noob here.
At least you can just download it all again.
Does this Hard Drive know that the PS5 is totally stealing its look?
shuck it shuck it!
Aw, shucks!
This is a 5400rpm SMR Barracuda drive inside here. Good for if you just want to toss 8tb of music/movies on it and just read off it occasionally. Bad if you are constantly writing small files to it.
Can this use as external drive for PC?
Out of stock in like 30 mins :(
Yeah showing Out Of Stock for me as well. Boo
I'm so sad i wanted 2
Can't believe that this can go even cheaper. My unit from Mwave deal has been running over a week now. So far so good.
Damn, was keen if this works with the PS4. Hopefully a amazon price match soon.
Officeworks won't price match anymore, right? Some local stock left but not online.
omg I missed out twice
Sounds like a cost effective drive for a home media server! Better value than the Seagate 4TB Expansion.
With an 80gb update for COD. You might need two of these.
No delivery left sadly :(
Would have been good to buy for my future Series X purchase in a few months (not because this is 'for Xbox' but just because it;s a cheap 8TB drive)
For XBOX, looks like a Playstation 5.
Can I use it with ps4
Thanks heaps.
No. PS4 doesn't allow drives to run through a USB hub.
thanks for saving.
Damn, too late. Out of stock
Damn here too.
Thanks, I bought the same hard drive 2 years ago for $252 from amazon from this deal-
The drive is still working perfectly.
Thanks, I grabbed 2 from office works price matched to $170 each.
Removed from the website!
Yup, office works out of stock. Scorptec still has it for 189.
Cheers got 1 from scorptec. Still a good price at $189.
Nicely spotted! Cheers!!
Manage to get three just befor the price went up at ow with price beat $510
Good one. Even though I’m not sure what I would do with 24tb, and I don’t have a proper NAS either.
SMR and NAS don't really mix well generally speaking - ZFS is particularly sensitive to SMR and will take days to rebuild ( Seagate's SMR is obviously not the same as WD SMR but they use the same writing paradigm.
SMR is good as backup drives where data is written continuously in large sets. I get 120mb-180mb write sustained on my 4tb seagate external drive that's SMR and when reading it operates just like a normal drive.
I get it, I got these 2 purely for media backups, as I don't have a proper NAS anyway, just a PI 4 for a pseudo nas.
Got one and used it today, SMR is so shit…
I copied some poxn to it and it's speed ranged only 40MB/s to 70MB/s, avg55MB/s, on paper its 190MB/s R and 125MB/s W sequential, I had to use fastcopy app to speed it up, even cosidering I only use it for my poxn library and its $170 price, I still don't like it, fortunately my local ow only had 1 in stock so I couldn't get more.
you sure about that? I'm getting 120mb/s……
I'm getting 135-160MB/s with test copies of between 200-300GB worth of files(file size ranging between 1-20GB each).
At least that's what win10 file copy is reporting.
Are you copying lots of really small files?
Wow what a miss, would of been perfect for my movie collection
Dies this sale at this price pop up now and then?
just wait for the sales on the 8TB Western digital elements on amazon
Thanks for that well do post here if there's another sale like this I guess maybe next one will be the 4th of July sale👍
4th of July here,.. were are the big sales on this lol
Do these work with a PS4, or are they exclusively coded for Xbox?
I understand regular HDD's you dont need the game branded ones to work (like how WD sell xbox external SSD's) but wanted to know if these are different, as they sort of seem to be a xbox only product (dont see a Sony equivalent)