Do You Check Your Rear View Mirror by Turning Your Head or Turning Your Eyes Only?

My sibling told me their driving instructor said it is good that the driver is checking only with the eyes and not turning the head much. Is it good or not?
I think it strains my eyes if I don't turn my head. So I normally turn my head to look.

Thank you all for your answers.

Poll Options

  • 22
    I turn my head.
  • 15
    I turn my eyes only.
  • 61
    I turn my head and eyes.


  • +4

    The textbook says to check with your eyes because it's quicker. In practice, we turn our heads.

    • Ok, interesting, what textbook?

      • +1

        The textbook that professional driving instructors use to teach. They have to say "use your eyes only" when they probably don't themselves.

  • +2

    That sounds like a bad driving instructor. When taking a driving test, the examiner will expect some indication that mirrors are being checked, so it makes sense to make it obvious by moving one's head. What your technique is outside of the testing phase doesn't really matter as long as you're checking the reflections. You can use reflections from store windows as well if that helps.

    Edit: oops, I just noticed the instructor said not to use the head turns "much" which sounds fine.

    • I mean like "too little or none head turning" at all.

  • +2

    I'd assume the turning your head is to check the blind spot, which should be a good habit to get into.

    • No, I'm just talking about looking at your rear view mirror, not head/blind spot checks.

      • Ahh i get it now, i don't see why someone would make a fuss at moving your head? Your eyes are off the road anyway

    • +1

      I thought the same thing at first and was going to ask those 7 people to turn in their licences haha

  • +1

    I turn but I also have the little blind spot mirrors on each mirror. They're so good.

  • If they are going for a driving test, it's best to turn the head. The examiner may miss it and mark you down if they don't notice the eyes (how often are they looking at your eyes vs the road, your hands, the indicators, other cars etc?).

    Checking the mirrors needs to be obvious.

  • +2

    If you guys need to turn your heads to look at your rear view mirrors, you've set your mirror up incorrectly…

    On topic: for the test, throw ur head in whatever direction needed. In practice, don't toss your head around too much…

  • +3

    When your driving you constantly just scan with your eyes, but use your head with blind spots.

    I recall my instructor taught to move my head when checking mirrors. Its just to prove to the tester you are using your eyes. They cant see your eyeballs while sitting next to you.

  • During the practical test you need to tilt/turn your head so the examiner can see that you are looking at the rear view mirror properly.
    After the test you do whatever you like.

  • TBH still waiting for the end to draconian laws to allow fully automated teslas/electric vehicles like America/Europe. Then mirrors will be made redundant.
    And i won't have to find a dedicated driver….

  • +1

    I used to only turn my eyes in the early days until I almost got into a bad crash. ever since I almost always turn me head along with eyes.

    • So what kinda crash almost happened? front? back?

      • +1

        sideswipe. it probably seems worse in my head since I hadn't crashed before at that time.

        • That sounds like you somehow (by looking at your rear view mirror by turning with your eyes only) didn't see someone changing lanes from behind you who wants to get past or overtake you. Is that right?
          And perhaps you were also trying to change lanes around the same time.

          • +1

            @Deal Hunter Go: hah im a idiot. i saw turning head and associated that with blind spot. for rear view, just use my eyes. don't really need to move my head unless i was looking away. different story when trying to pass practical test.

  • +1

    This may sound dumb, but I'm pretty short so there is a bigger distance between my eyes and the mirror. If I were to look at my mirror without moving my head my eyes would probably look like I'm rolling them or something, even with my mirror adjusted down so I can see.

  • +2

    NSW: No.…

    Here's when they tell you to turn your head:

    Driving around corners, looking through the corner (p.6)
    Checking blind spots (pp. 7-8)

    YES, the tester should be able to tell if you're SCANNING ("keeping your eyes moving", p.6) from beside you.
    NO, you should not need to point your head to where you're scanning to make it obvious.
    BUT, when you're supposed to turn your head, do make that obvious!

    • Ok, so on page 6:
      "You will be expected to make regular checks in your rear vision mirror so
      you know what is happening behind you. You must check your rear vision
      mirror before you slow down or change direction."

      It just says to check, so I think check it anyway you want but check it clearly. And in a test it's probably good to make it obvious for them. Probably not to do it too exaggerated.

      • "enough indication to show them you are competent, but not so much indication that they know you think they need your assistance to do their job"

        Right. Got it. Filed under "rules for interactions with management" (not mine, who is great) :)

  • For the purpose of passing the driving test, turn your head and make lots of noise when doing so. It's all about conveying the idea that you are checking your mirrors.

    After that it is personal preference/circumstances.

  • I like many other drivers don't use the rear mirror when reversing. It's what the side mirrors are for.

  • When your sibling is taking their test, tell them to turn their head and make it obvious so it'll be clear to the test conductor that they are checking.

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