Hey folks i am building a new PC just waiting on my GPU from Amazon. So my question is with my build being mid tier at best is it worth getting a 1440p 144hz monitor? No way i will be able to run most games on decent settings at a higher refresh rate. Plus future games will only be harder to run so i might have to revert back to 1080p any way? I don't see my self upgrading for a few years.
The build is.
. Ryzen 5 3600
. Sapphire Pulse 5600xt
. 16gb 3600mhz ram
I know this thread will start a war lol. I was looking at the Samsung 27" 1440p 144hz (CJG54) screen as its cheapest on the market right now. I mainly play Battlefield and my current screen does 80hz OC.
I have scrolled through so many monitor deals and read them all. I sit about 50cm from my monitor if that helps at all with them pixels.
Thanks for the help!
No war required, if you can afford both, get both. Or test it on your current monitor and work the benchmarks to determine if you would get max value out of the purchase