Time to stock up on the best cookies around! Sale starts tomorrow at Coles.
Oreo Classics 150g Only $1 at Coles

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What do you mean they are Chinese?
They are made in China…
made in china ..it's OLEO …not OREO
medium_tight comment is funny, get a sense of humour people!
hard to find Australian made these days.what a shame.
I stick with cheap arnotts and tim tams
Agreed, but it's a shame they aren't Australian owned anymore.
good deal.thanks op.you can also view this week catalogue here.
http://catalog.coles.com.au/Catalogues/cf7b9f17-a529-4ca0-af…The boxed Australian ones were 99c last week at IGA.
I'll just slam my head on another wall now…
Whats wrong if they are made in China?
They're not an Australian product. American Ameerricaaa Amereika.
I've never understood what the deal over oreos was.. I mean they are just a choc biscuit with cream centre..
give me a biscuit with choc and nuts through it anyday.. or those subway style biscuits.. now those are nice..
I agree - they taste like the el cheapo crappy Aldi biscuits to me.
Agree, they are pretty damn average. They don't hold a candle to the old Squiggly Tops LOL.
It is not a healthy food.
also at IGA north sydney. i saw they are seeling it just 99cents.
Oreos are cheap biscuits for bogans wannabe yanks.
I think it's ridiculous to be buying biscuits made overseas, unless they're a type that really unusual that is nothing like what is made here. It's such a waste or resources shipping things like that around the world. Other things on that list - frozen veges from Belgium or UK. The bread that Coles sell from Italy. Woolies have a gourmet range from the US. Oranges from the US!
it is a waste of resources, but still works out cheaper for them so not going to stop them doing it!
They'll stop if none buys them (not that that would ever happen).
Don't be too hard on yourself. Oreos are perfectly fine biscuits. Here at OzBargain, we don't discriminate according to your choice of food. Unless it's like whale or something…
Whale taste awesome!
Here at OzBargain, we don't discriminate according to your choice of food. Unless it's like whale or something…
Or Gloria Jeans coffee…
So biscuits are a bogan thing now as well? Wow, those pesky bogans get blamed for just about everything.
A waste of resources? who's resources? The company, the retailer is making money and we are saving money so at the end of the day who's resources are being wasted?
Dang, I just bought 8 packs of Oreos for $9.99 at Cost Co.
Never been a fan of the Orios. Would rather have 1 packet of tim tams instead of 2 packets of Orios.
IGA have 2 packets of tim tams for $4.
http://www.lasoo.com.au/offer/biscuits-cookies-0/arnott-s-ti…Last time today tonight got mention about Indonesia made tim tams, they are cheaper then those found in supermarket like coles and woolworths.
I didn't know that but I would prefer to eat something from Indonesia rather than China any day of the week.
So many reasons why you should avoid buying Oreos.
- You should be supporting local manufacturers.
- You should not be supporting a country that will in 10-20 years have the world by its balls financially.
- Higher potential of dodgy contaminants in food.
- Carbon footprint of importing non essential foods from overseas.
- They don't even taste that great. So many better alternatives anyway.you had me until Carbon footprint…
Those new 'Creamies' are the bomb
china product, china ingredients including MILK gulp….
We get it. It's made in China. If you like the product, buy it. If you don't, shut up!
Shame they are Chinese but oh well…plussed