Should it be sorted from most to least positive votes rather than oldest to newest?
Do you guys think comments should be sorted from most to least positive votes?

Maybe as an option but not as a default.
That does sound pretty good.
I personally don’t like this idea as I prefer to have them sorted by the time they were posted. This could however be an optional setting available in user settings similar to how polls can be configured to sort from most votes first, least votes first, etc.
Nah, otherwise my comments would never get read.
Imagine poor jv….
This is very condescending wow!!
"would you like some cash" imagining someone else as poor cause they got the cash 😛
My logic might be weird, but wouldn't new comments also never get read?
If they implemented something like Reddit that could work, but I can't imagine there are enough comments on deals to warrant it.
Oh geez. Then I would have to remove the hobby of "negging ozbargain comments" from my resume.
Lol. You guys who are down voting me are just proving why they should be removed. Reasonable comments that are unpopular getting removed by down vote use abuse.
You didn't even explain your reasoning in the original comment. I disagree anyway, if it's a reasonable comment, you'll usually find the positive votes to cancel out the unwarranted negs
Also, there will be an apparent biased caused by a 5 neg vote limit.
…if anything there should be more negs….5 just doesnt cut it with all the idiot comments around here! :D
nah I like the chronological order especially for price errors etc:
Great happiness ——> waiting in pain —-> big disappointments ——> ACCC etc
Agreed, it's the journey, not the destination
No, otherwise it'll become an echo-chamber like reddit
So you're suggesting only the popular comments gets to the front of the thread… that's not very democratic.
Right now the new comments get to the end and are never read. What makes this not democratic?
They've invented a thing called a down arrow, it's below the up arrow on your keyboard. They've also invented a scroll wheel on your mouse…
You are suggesting popular comments go to the top, not new ones.
Your suggestion is undemocratic because everyone doesn't get a voice, only the popular ones who's comments go to the top and apparently people can't scroll down.
But most aren't going to scroll all the way to the end, or click new page on bigger posts. Aren't popular comments more likely to be the most useful or humorous?
@Void: That doesn’t make sense.
If as you suggest, people are too lazy to scroll, how are any comments beyond the first page ever going to get pos’d enough to get on to the first page?
So fanboys will just drown out people point out its not a deal? like $2 off a nintendo game not being a bargain -10
In my view, there are a lot of people that leave comments that have obviously not read any of the preceding comments; they just repeat what someone else has already said / suggested etc.
Reddit is that you?
I reckon there are a lot people that leave comments that have obviously not read any of the preceding comments; they just repeat what someone else has already written.
personally I think there are a lot people that leave comments that have obviously not read any of the preceding comments….they just repeat what someone else has already posted.
What gets me is the amount of people who reply to the OP but have obviously not read any of the preceding comments; they just repeat what someone else has already written.
Never seen that happen, not even in this thread ;)
the lower left hand menu - 'Show most voted comments' ….does what you ask for the most voted comments on a deal or forum thread
WHAT?! I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS! Thank you so much.
no worries… ;)
now scotty doesnt have to redevelop the site for you :P