Has anyone had any experience with rebooking travel funds with cebu Pacific..if not were you able to get a refund from the travel fund if unused by the deadline ?
Cebu Pacific Airlines - any experience?

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thanks @The IT Crowd- this is really helpful! the request for a travel fund was put through in response to Covid 19 but on the 12 March ( travel fund was only option at the time) and the airlines saying i cant apply for a full refund unless the travel fund was requested from 15th march . the travel fund booking deadline is in September but i am not sure if flights will be back by then. they have offered to extend the dates that i can fly but i still have to book before September. ill take your advice on board and see how i go…. thanks again
I haven't used the travel fund, however, from reading the Travel Advisory emails they send and posts on their website, IF the reason your money was put in to a "travel fund/virtual wallet" was because of COVID-19, then you will be able to get your money out/refunded even after the expiry of the travel fund….
You can read page "COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions" => Part A. GENERAL => then section 3 => then paragraph b. =>
If the money in the travel fund is not related to COVID-19, you could try their help desk and explain that "you would have travelled and used up the travel fund had it not been for COVID-19, so the money is only there past the expiry date because you were not allowed to travel, even though you wanted to".
I guess it all depends on booking dates and cancellation dates etc. as to what will apply in your case, but the people that answer are really friendly on their help desk and will try and help if they are allowed to…. they're Filipinos - "friendly" is kinda their thing.