Before I am going to sign up a solar power purchase agreement, what do you guys think can go wrong? I am currently paying $0.23/kwh from Energy Australia, with this power purchase agreement I am paying $0.186/kwh for 6.4kw seraphim 330w panel and solaredge 5kw inverter setup. I only pay for what i use from solar during day time and buying from the grid at night from my current energy retailer Energy Australia. FIT will be taken by Upstream. I am using around 23kwh/ day. The things that get me is I will get transfer of ownership after the term 5 years, but is it too good to be true? Please advice.
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before we can advise you further, you need to tell us on what roof orientation is the system installed on, what's your current usage pattern (how much day time vs night time). But by the sound of it you still have to pay the usual energy rate to EA AND the solar generated so I don't think it's much of a good deal, says you use 50% of your energy during daytime (which is very very generous) then the saving you get from that is 5c per kwh, so 120.05365 = $220. On the other hand, if you DIY, a prime north system that size can give you 10,000kwh a year easy in Canberra, says you use 4300 from that so 5700 exported, if you pay for the system yourself the amount of saving you can get from there is 4300.23+5700.10 = $1553, so over 5 years you'd have given away $10000 to Upstream (assuming FIT won't drop too much, and I'm aware in Canberra you won't get much more generous FIT like the rest of NSW). I'm not sure what's cost there in Canberra but around sydney area you can get a system of that size for $5-6000 mark. But that's the price you pay for not having to fork out a large amount upfront and someone taking care of the headache.
My assumption above (and you seem to think that way) that you only have to pay 18.6c/kwh when solar is up but it is probably not always the case, on cloudy winter day, you'll still draw from the grid if you run a few high load devices.