This was posted 4 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] 1 Year of RACV Bicycle Assist for $27.50 (Normally $55) @ RACV


Found this offer on Facebook. RACV are offering 50% off one year of it’s Bike Assist service. Might be useful for people who are riding to/from work a lot or ride recreationally on a regular basis.

For $27.50 (Normally $55), you get up to 8 24/7 callouts per subscription year.

In the instance of a puncture only, a service provider will be dispatched to provide and fit the member’s Bicycle with a spare tube.
Should a Bicycle not be able to be repaired (eg broken spoke), or if the rider is not able to ride their Bicycle, a taxi may be dispatched to transport the rider and Bicycle to a destination of their choice. One taxi journey is provided per incident to the value of $50.

Bike Assist tube replacements are only available in Metropolitan Melbourne. Taxi services, however, are available anywhere in Victoria.

Offer ends 30/6/20 and is Not valid for existing Emergency Roadside Assistance members, including Bike Assist and Emergency Wheelchair and Scooter Assist Members.

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closed Comments

  • +60

    Ok hear me out. Sign up, pick up a bike from the tip, boom, 8 free taxi rides!

    • +2

      You are a sick sick genius

    • Maybe a balance bike for the ease of carriage? Even better you do legitimately get pretty tired riding on those as adults.

    • +1

      must be an American!

      • Americans say dump, not tip.

    • +1

      8 taxi rides for $27.50?

    • +1

      Can you imagine how annoying it would be to have to book your taxi ride through the RACV call centre every time though.

  • +3

    Didn't such roadside service exist. Anything similar in QLD?

    • Following

  • +3

    Good offer. Would be great to get something like this in NSW but doubt it

      • Have signed to that already.

        Difference is the above is from the road organisation. Unfortunately, NRMA is very much stuck as a car only organisation, and trails behind all other state counterparts for a good deal of things. Other thing is your deal is pretty much business hours only. Better than nothing, but if you actually had the road assoc it is 24/7, which is much more useful.

        Moreover, here they're actually fixing your bike which is great. The Bicycles one just gives you a ride somewhere and then it's still up to you to fix it, so not as helpful.

  • wonder if RA50 would work on Roadside Assistance? lol just over a month ago RACV gave me a call and offered me 50% off any RA package as mine had lapsed in Feb and i told them i wasn't planning on signing up again until i was no longer WFH. Obviously i took them up on it, but hopefully ya'll can get just as good of deal.

  • In the comments from RACV it says:
    RACV Hi Nina,
    Thank you for your recent contact.
    Unfortunately, this offer has expired effective the 28/05/2020. Kind regards, Eisa.

    • This code does work when you go through checkout. Maybe it expired and then was re-activated.

    • I tested the code before posting and it worked for me. It does look like the offer was available sometime in May, then rested, and brought back again. The current ad is available on the Facebook Ad Library

      • Is the facebook ad library a good way to find deals? I just had a quick look and most of it appears to just be regular annoying ads

        • +1

          I’ve personally haven’t used it to search for offers but if a company is known to regularly post special offers as ads on Facebook, flicking through a company’s active ads every now and then could be a good way to find deals, as sometimes the ads are targeted to certain audiences and you may not see them on your feed.

  • +5

    Whats next? Shoe assist when you hurt your ankles or your soles wear out as you're walking?

    • +1

      Phone assist, for when you run out of battery.

      • +22

        "Hello, my phone is flat. Hello. Hello?"

    • Only if you snap a heel off or your sock gets a hole in it.

  • +2

    This seems a great deal.
    I was trying to get my daughters bike fixed as she rode over a prickle and got a puncture. It was $45 to take it in or $99 for someone to come out once.
    I’d happily sign up for this if in SA. My other daughter has been stuck with flat tyres a few times when we haven’t had a pump before too.

    • +4

      Mount one of these to the frame :). They work a treat.…

    • +2

      You could get a small pump and a puncture repair kit for half this price. Carry it on every trip and you can be on your way again in twenty minutes.

      • +2

        That's a bit optimistic. As a professional sure, but I'd allow an hour for most who aren't familiar with it/dont do it regularly. It can also be almost impossible to find the hole if it's tiny, which can add a lot of time. Lastly you wind up with very dirty hands after so it's better suited to recreational or at home, not if you're on your way to something.

        Also, this price is 27.50. Good luck finding a pump and repair kit for $14!

      • Or just carry a can of this

        • +2

          or run on tubeless tyres

          • @2ndeffort: You run tubeless tyres on your kid's bikes?

            • @Tiggrrrrr: Nope but I ride with several other folks who bring their kids along on rides. One guy's 17 year old son who rides with us sometimes is a state champion. A few guys bring their daughters, at least 1 or 2 of them are probably on tubeless, I've never asked.

    • +1

      She must be feeling a little flat after all those incidents

    • +1

      Buy a pump, some spare tubes and watch a few videos on how to change a tube over.

  • As someone that went on a bike packing trip, getting a flat can be extremely frustrating and trip destroying. Buying tyre liners was the best value decision I ever made. Only got defeated by a long metal wire once. I rode my tyres down until you could see holes through the rubber and the tyre liners still protected the tube. Some people just cut off the bead from a narrower tire and use it as a liner.

    The only catch is the edge of a liner can move or wear out and sometimes slice the tube itself! And it increases rolling resistance but it's worth it for commuting and multi-day trips.

    Hopefully it's better than NRMA road assistance and their 4 hour non-emergency waiting periods…

  • Carbon wheels running tubeless, tyres are on so tight I cant get them off, need to take them to the shop. No chance RACV guy is getting my GP5K's off at the roadside. Probs a good deal in case I ever get a flat.

  • -1

    No walking assist?

    • A piggyback?

  • -2

    Imagine having to wait for a bike riding mechanic in the middle of nowhere. No wonder it’s discounted.

    • Actually, the bike mechanic is only available in Metropolitan Melbourne. If you're in the middle of nowhere they will only send you a taxi.

      • -2


    • -1

      Underrated comment

  • +1

    I don't see the point of this.
    Get decent tyres (eg Schwalbe marathon)
    Carry spare tube and small pump
    In the unlikely event you get a puncture (I haven't had one for years with decent tyres and liners), takes 10 minutes to change

    Why would you want to stand on the side of the road for 4 hours waiting for someone to come and do it for you?

    • Unless your chain snaps.

      • +1

        Yes you are correct, but the chance of this happening are so remote. have you ever heard of a chain breaking under normal cycling??
        Of course there things like cables or derailleurs breaking, but the chance of these are so small is it really something you need to buy insurance for??

        • I have seen one broken in front of my eyes. It was a steep climb and the bloke changed gears too late and in the middle of a hard pedal. I have seen people's derailer hanger snapped after a fall, actually it happened to me once. If you ride often enough all sorts of incidents happen. So even at the full price i would buy without hesitation, only if its available in QLD. It probably isn't enough for a Uber ride to get me home considering how far i ride every weekend.

        • I don't think you understand the premise of insurance …

          It's exactly for the unlikely event something may happen to your mode of transport that you haven't/can't prepare for.

  • +4

    Why am I looking at this? I don't even have a bike.

  • Just think of it as up to $400 of future taxi ride value for Initial investment of $27.50 + effort of finding a free bike and breaking a spoke.

    • +1

      It's not like the taxi driver is going to validate that you have a bike…

  • Had a flat yesterday.

    Have heaps of repair kits lying around, but all the glues have dried in.
    Any tips where to can get just a tube of rubber cement locally? At a reasonable price…

    In the past eBay was fine, but I really don't want to wait 2+ months.

  • Anybody actually used this service to call em out to replace a flat / w a new tube? How quickly do they arrive? And does this cover all bicycles in a household or individual cover has to be purchased?

  • +1

    Shouldn't this be RBCV not RACV?

    • attempted murder, i hope they locked up that truck driver

  • I assume it will work with a foldable/portable bicycle too? So I can carry it around in a backpack and catch some free rides.

  • I wonder if you could use the taxi service if the weather was particularly bad.

  • Ah crap missed it rip

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