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Canningvale Bamboo Cotton 400TC Sheet Set King $69.99 + $9.95 Postage @ Canningvale Australia eBay


Highly rated reviews on these soft bamboo cotton bed sheets. Cool and light in the summer, and comfy to snuggle up with your favourite quilt in the winter.

Set Contains:

1 x flat sheet 275cm x 260cm
1 x fitted sheet 183cm x 203cm + 40cm
2 x pillowcases 48cm x 73cm

60% Bamboo / 40% Cotton Sateen

Also available:

Queen - $62.99
Double - $55.99

Edit - No longer free delivery :( now $9.95 postage.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Odly was just looking at these the other day on Canningvale website, I have a set and they are great! Thanks OP

    • I've bought another set as well. Can't go wrong with this price and free shipping!

    • a couple of reviews on the target site mentioned these sheets started to ball or pilled badly after 1.5 months (check the 3 x 1 star reviews)

      • Wow that's strange because I've had mine for about 9 months and so far no issues. Still soft and comfy like the first day I've slept on them. Hopefully just a bad batch?

  • I cant get the code to work? Am I doing something wrong?

    • Managed to get it to work. Had to used Guest and incognito mode.. not sure why?

      • Where did u put the code?

        • It's on the final page. I think I had to enter PayPal info first

    • Did you get free shipping? it shows standard delivery $9.95 even after entering code

  • Thanks
    definitely look well reviewed

  • Thanks OP. Been waiting on a bamboo sheets deal :)

  • Thanks just what I needed

  • +1

    Thanks so much, OP.

    I've been looking for these for the last week or so, good thing I waited!!!

    These sheets are amazing. We got them a couple of years ago for our queen bed and now we are upgrading it to a king, we need more sheets. Thanks!!!

  • Got one and will try it out

  • Super King Size?

  • +1

    never own bamboo before.

    Are these sheets slippery like silk? Hate when they quilt slip off the bed if they are.

  • Weird thing is, it was only last night I was thinking I needed to buy some new bamboo sheets.
    Hoping that these will still be good, even though they’re a bamboo-cotton mix.

  • Thanks OP

  • Isn’t 400 thread count very low?

    • +4

      Thread count is a myth.

      "A 400 thread count sheet could be softer and more breathable than a 1000 thread count sheet, because the length of the yarn and quality of the fabric on the 1000 thread count sheet may be lesser."

      • …. because 1000 thread count sheets are actually 4 layers of 250 thread count material ….

  • +1

    It's not worth it imo, it's only 60% bamboo.

  • +2

    I really want white sheets, but they're such a pain in the ass to keep white and clean. Is that just normal compared to other colours, or am I doing something wrong?

    • +2

      Nah, it's not you, it's them.

      I thought I'd be a sophisticated ass grown up and got ALL white bamboo cotton sheet sets, and they're comfortable, but a far cry from the white that they were, and they've basically been boiled in bleach on one attempt… I've accepted the fact that charcoal grey is the new white.

    • I chuck in some Sard whitening powder stuff and it seems to do a good job.

    • Use the whitening version of Di-San/Napisan/Vanish etc
      Wash all of your whites together
      Wash your sheets regularly

      If you do that you should be fine. I only buy white sheets and towels and have no problems.

  • Thanks OP, great deal, got two sets. Any deals on king doona covers?

  • How does this compare?


    EDIT: Out of stock sorry.

  • Nice. Just ordered a set

  • +1

    Dam, $76.99 for a 400TC set,and we call it bargain.. Am I missing something? Or is it bamboo hype?

    • +2

      a quality 400TC sheet beats a crap quality 1000TC sheet every day

      • …. because 1000 thread count sheets are actually 4 layers of 250 thread count material ….

  • looking for Quilt set too

    • +1

      Me to… seems harder to find…

  • -1

    is this fitted sheet?

  • FYI, it’s a blend of 60% bamboo and 40% cotton. I usually buy 100% organic bamboo so can’t comment on how soft these would be.

  • +1

    Postage AU $9.95

    • Thanks, updated.

    • :(

  • +2

    Wouldn't the Lustro Bamboo sheets sold by Canningvale for $10 more and 100% bamboo a better deal?

    • +2

      Possibly, but I haven't had experience with it so couldn't vouch for it. Plus only limited reviews on the Lustro sheets so far although majority of them have been positive ones, so yeah, could be worth a purchase.

    • +1

      Actually cheaper with the free shipping - $83.99

    • +1

      Thanks, ordered

  • +4

    Hate to promote anything Kogan, but can vouch for the quality of the Ovela bamboo sheets, the King set can be had to $60 + delivery, it is bamboo viscose (if that matters) and I can personally vouch for the silky feel and the durability; I have been using my fitted sheet for over 2 years now and it looks and feels just as the day I bought it with no signs of piling what-so-ever. Same is true for the quilt cover (except mine has holes from where my feral kid has bitten it).

    • +3

      IMO the Ovela bamboo sheets are better. Much more silky feel to these bamboo/cotton. I’ve tried both.

      • Has anyone tried the Canningvale Lustro Bamboo sheets?

        • +1

          They are usually in Target if you want to check them.

          We had this one (Alessia with 40% cotton) for our queen bed and we found them a tiny bit softer than the Lustro. However, this offer was so good we got one of each for our new king bed.

      • Can you put the Ovela bamboo sheets in the dryer?

        • +1

          It is generally not recommended to dry bamboo sheets in the dryer, but if you are sensible about it and use the lowest heat setting it should be fine.

      • any reason to go the Ovela sets over the cheaper bamboo options on kogan? prob a dumb question but i've been looking for some bamboo linen after switching my underwear to bamboo and with so many available its abit like the underwear where to start looking……

    • +1

      thanks guys - ordered the Ovela bamboo using the free shipping code currently on at Kogan. Hopefully that'll keep the missus happy :)

  • Prices have dropped by $10 it seems but still with postage.

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