This was posted 13 years 2 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Free Schick Hydro 3 Sample


Similar to last time, but 3 blades instead of 5. I still have my hydro5 from christmas, although it has now become unusable, it did last a long time. Not too sure about how the 3 blades will stack up against the 5, but will have to wait and see.

Edit: Fixed mistakes and added a few words.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Thank-you, free is my favorite price ;)

  • Have they upgraded on the less is more principle?

    • +7

      Yep, the marketing will now promote how environmentally better off we are by using a 3 blade system compared to the wasteful 5 blades. :)

      • Do a search for "the onion" and "razors" together. (Language warning).

  • I understand that I will receive newsletters and information from Schick in the future

    wait does this mean that i will get SPAM in my PHYSICAL MAILBOX?? - please tell me its going to e-mail box….

    • seriously..? no one can answer this??

      • +3

        Doesnt worry me greatly if its snail mail. The bin is close to the door at the post office.

      • The terms and conditions are available to read. They have the answers you need.

        "The Promoter may, for an indefinite period, unless otherwise advised, use the information for promotional, marketing, publicity, research and profiling purposes, including sending electronic messages or telephoning the claimant"

        • yes!!!! no physical junk! :)

  • +6

    never got either of the last 2 deals

    • I got a 5 blade razor a while back but never got anything from the last freebie razor offered.

    • I got the 5 blade one

    • I didn't get one last time either, kinda disappointing.

  • +5

    did anyone ever get the gilette one from months ago?

    • +1

      I just realised I didn't! The other one I got was Schick

    • if you mean the one from austereo (2DAYFM in SYD), yeah i got that one…

    • no, didnt get anything, ithink you dont get one if you have got one before, thats what happened with me

    • I got mine and I live in the ACT..[there was no option for the ACT]

      • Not me!

        • did you put down NSW as the state or some random one. I did receive it like a few weeks ago(4-6)

        • I put NSW but no delivery!

    • The one from austereo i received

      you may have missed out as there was a limit

    • I got mine! Still using it. I have had a shick before and it was shit, so I will let this freeby pass.

      • yeah gilette make the best razors, shick cut me and does not shave as close but hey cant pass up a free razor :) I dont think I have ever payed for blades

      • yeah? I prefer the schick myself I even bought some more and extra blades

    • There was a Gillette one that was cancelled without any notice. It was then replaced with the Austereo one, and many people received the Austereo Fusion razor.

      • yeah the fusion razor is totally awesome. I love the small trimmer on the top. Very useful for tricky spots

        • I never knew that it had a trimmer just had a look at the one I got a while back for free and your right!

    • Yeah I got the gillete one, forgot about it and it sat in the PO box for months.
      Fusion Pro Glide

    • No for Qld.

  • +3

    Never got one from last time!

  • "anything" - works to stop email spam…..

  • Nice! Signed up for the Hyrdo 5 last time, signing up for the 3 as well :)

  • thanks prefer gilette but need a new razor so this is perfect

  • Nice need some new blades for my razor but can't be bothered buying new ones just yet..this will help me put it off

  • Best razor ever.

  • +4

    Never got one from last time; and never got anything from ansell either! I want my vibrator!!!!!!

    • It sucked anyways…


    • I got the 5-blade from teh last deal - just stearted using it. But I never got my Ansell stuff either. I spent so much effort to get all 3 of the items too, even set my birthdate about 2 months in the future to ensure there was enough time for my gift (but it never came anyway)

      • -1

        "Does anybody actually care?"

  • If they do it frequently enough…..well twice a year is not bad at all!

  • Thank you :)

  • I still haven't opened my free Gillette fusion proglide razor I got a few months ago. I still have half of the "24 x Quadblade SuperMax Razors" I got for cheap over a year ago on catchoftheday.

  • great post

  • Didn't get my ones from last time.

  • Good thing I use a Schick razor.

    • Is schick the ozbargain razor of choice? The blades seem to last much longer than Gillette.

      • +6

        I think schick is a cut above the rest

  • Excellent, might shave a little more often over summer. I'm still going through razors I bought 8yrs back!

    • wouldnt that be really smelly?

  • Registered last time, even did the whole like thing on Facebook but the morons sent me nor my mate nothin.

  • don't use this crap. get a double edge razor and shave like a real man.

    • not everyone has the time to to DE shaving

    • Don't use that crap, get lasers and shave like a secret agent.

  • +2

    If you want some true OzBargain advice check out these two posts from lifehacker:……

    My blade lasts waaayyy longer than it used to.

  • from the fb page:

    The Schick Hydro 3 Free Sample promotion is now closed. Amazingly all 15,000 samples have been claimed already – thank you so much for your interest!
    Samples will be posted in the next 10-12 business days. Stay tuned to find out about upcoming promotions.

  • has anyone got theirs yet?

    • Still waiting :(

    • same :(

  • +2

    It states on the site.

    Everyone who has ordered a sample should receive it within 7-10 business days.
    If you haven't received it by 28th October, please contact us.

  • did anyone receive the sample??

    • Nope still waiting in Sydney.

    • Still waiting too! (Sydney)

    • still none from sydney

  • as suggested on their webpage i hav sent thm email..wil let u knw if i gt smthng..i hope the person replymg to emails is nt traveling on qantas

    • hope they reply soon!

  • Any one got this yet?

  • Any one got this yet?

  • never got the last freebie either!

  • still waiting..

  • Has anyone contacted Schick about the offer? Its past a time when we should have received the razor by now.

  • If they dont start arriving this week its looking like they got people to sign up, but had no intentions on delivering to anyone until they send a follow up email.

  • still waiting.

  • Received mine for my fiance to try today

  • i tried to contact them and have sent email also but no response !! still waiting..

  • Got mine today in Sydney

  • I still think these razors are terrible. with gilette you just press very lightly and its a smooth, close shave. with these it doesn't feel like its doing anything unless you press hard and then it pulls and risks cutting you..

  • Got mine today.

  • score! just got mine as well

  • Got mine today too…well for dad.

  • +1

    also got mine today.

  • +1

    Got mine too

  • got mine today, but only one.

    • The offer was only for one

    • hahaha

  • +1

    Received today, thanks to the poster

  • Got mine today, thanks Schick and op!

  • Got mine. Live in Sydney. Best highlight after a days work. Freebie!!!

  • wohoo, i received some today!

  • im at Kallangur, QLD. Got mine today. yaay !! thanks to the OP and to Schick for processing it.

  • None here still. Maybe they want gold coasters to be hairy?

    • +1

      the postman told me to tell you "thanks" :)

  • All arrived safely.

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