Just checked my email to find this worklight for $29.99. I've been eyeing this off for a while but at this price I'll be buying this first thing tomorrow. Works well with my ozito batteries
Thanks to Price hipster
Just checked my email to find this worklight for $29.99. I've been eyeing this off for a while but at this price I'll be buying this first thing tomorrow. Works well with my ozito batteries
Thanks to Price hipster
Depends on the size of the garage but 2000 lumens is pretty bright
I've used mine in my little single car garage, bounce it off the roof and it lit it up fine.
Cheers for the feed back guys! Gonna go grab one tomorrow!
If you work in your garage a lot you could consider adding some LED light tubes that daisy chain together (replacing or adding to existing garage ceiling light).
I've found it makes a massive difference even during the daytime.
I got a 6-pack of 120cm (4 foot) T5 LED tubes for $54 delivered off eBay (Oz seller).
Each tube is 20 watt / 2200 lumens (apparently).
Includes the clips to secure to the ceiling - and short (15cm) joiner cables that can bend from 0 degree (straight) to 90 degree or even 180 degree (parallel) corner.
Mine are installed as a chain of 3 going left, and chain of 3 going right, from the original light fitting, with 2 90 degree corners on each to make a U shape.
care to share the link on ebay? Thanks.
Sorry guys, the seller I bought off in March does not have them listed any longer, but this shows the listing details.
The lights are working great, although the supplied power cables had Chinese plugs and seemed very thin wire, so it may pay to get a bit higher quality.
Verbatim make something similar: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/65509-VERBATIM-11W-T5-LED-Batten…
And I recall there was a NZ seller on eBay.com.au that had a 5 or 6 pack that I almost bought too.. cost more though… something like $180.
Keen to see a link too, this sounds great
@heineken016: Yes that looks pretty much what I bought, but was a 6-pack.
Lights are good, wiring (the one I got anyway) is cheap. Unfortunately the "mickey mouse" socket is a tiny bit smaller than the ones supplied with most laptops.
me too, keen to see a link please
Anyone ever stumbled across colour changing led strip/tube to replace old fluoro tubes?
Could be easier/cheaper to do this than install 20m (10m either side, currently with 6 tubes) of lifx strips in our cathedral ceiling down the middle of the house
Are we talking separate, currently unlit garages?
My single-garage has single light socket in the middle, which does the job but def could be better especially at night, and there's shadowing if I work on the side.
Anyway, if you want a (relatively?) cheapie OzB idea, I have heaps of spare normal E27 globes for some reason in a house full of GU5.3 downlights lol. So I just bought of those 4 head splitters for light globes off eBay/AliExpress, but the ones with the adjustable socket so I can bounce the light more off the roof.
e.g. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32962345920.html?spm=a2g0s.9…
Or if you don't mind hiring a sparkie (cough), you can use a cheap cord splitter set and hang the lights more spaced out:
I did think about the LED tubes and that sort of thing but being just the garage I decided to save my pennies and use what I already had (i.e. the globes); and decided to save myself the hassle of the IKEA and setting up the cord set.
Price in title. Thanx for post.
Thanks, updated
Anyone know the approximate run-times on these using a standard 2ah battery for example?
Just going by the numbers, at full brightness a 2ah would give you at best about 1 and 3/4 hours, though I imagine in reality it would be less.
I've had mine running for well over 2 hours no problem on the 2ah battery, but I rarely have need to use it at full brightness; I'm probably using it with the knob turned maybe half way? Not sure how linear that control is in terms of power draw.
Having got one in my hands now I checked the actual draw and it's less than rated, 18W rather than 20W so you'd probably get an extra half hour out of a 2Ah at full brightness.
It is very bright though so like Srey says running at half power is probably all you need. Draw is pretty linear so close to 4 and a half hours at 50% I'd say.
How much is it normally?
was $39.99
Was $39.99
Looks like it is trying to match the upcoming Aldi specials.
Yeah but this one is much nicer than the Aldi one and nearly 3 times the brightness. The Aldi at 10W/700 lumen is pretty poor.
Not sure if the old Aldi light from 1-2 years ago was better or the same but I found it to be amazing during my reno. With the 4Ah battery I could run that thing for hours and hours. So maybe it was less bright than this, but plenty bright for everything I used it for, including lots of outside work in darkness.
I'll buy more of those as I'm already invested in the Aldi ecosystem, otherwise this one looks potentially better.
@lomie: Thanks, I didn't notice that. It's the only one I could find on upcoming Aldi specials and assumed it was what muddex was referring to above.
the Aldi one is bright enough for me that i can wash the car at night.
Actually kinda interesting this time they are matching a product which is different in more ways than just the brand/system. This one much brighter and the Aldi one is basically a standalone product, not Xfinity system.
@c64: Yeh I wish Ozito used the same light unit as their twin light stand which is dual power source.
@bamzero: I think it is already. One of the pics shows it running off mains and I reckon those are just 18V transformers hooked up to the end of the cable.
@dufflover: Yeh the twin light is dual, but the single skin isn't. Saw the twins on store, transformer is internal, but can't charge the batteries.
Just saying a pity they didn't use that same light unit as the single skin too, would have been handy to have the power option.
I saw it on clearance ages ago at my local for that price but couldn't convince myself to buy it being "only" a $10 discount lol
Good ol mind games …
Maybe they should mark “huge 25% off RRP” :)
Great light, got one a couple of months back to use for night time bouldering sessions. Plenty bright enough with a decent spill and no major hotspots.
At this price I might grab a second now that I have more batteries.
Any cheap 2ah battery's have 4ah but want to keep them for garden stuff.
is this a BYO battery?
Yeah, this light is skin only means you'll have to buy battery and charger seperate which will cost more than the light itself but if you're already in ozito ecosystem it'd coat a lot cheaper. Lot of the time buying a power tool kit costs as much as buying the battery and charger itself so if you're in the market to buy tools it's worth browsing for a tool that comes with battery and charger .
Thanks OP. Placed order via click & collect. It is handy when the item still can be searched from Bunnings’ website.
Thanks op
These are great, bought one a couple weeks ago, really bright.
What's the cheapest way to get a battery and charger at the moment? Toolwise, besides needing a wireless light like this I currently only really need a multi-tool which doesn't come with a battery or charger.
More if I could be bothered. If I could get a Bosch to Ozito adaptor I'd consider it, but as I'd be using this light in ceiling spaces and subfloors I'd want the battery to attach properly to the light.
Wants a light to DIY but won't DIY a light. Lol
The kits mostly come with the slow charger. One of the fast charger + battery combos might be better option if you need it now. Otherwise buy each separately when the batteries are on sale. Charger combos go on sale a
Bit too.
I bought a 3Ah version of this recently ($60 iirc), but looks like they’ve changed to 4ah cos I can’t find it online.
Thanks for the heads up.
It looks like the best I can do is the $89 fast charger and 4ah battery currently.
Or get the Aldi one with a built-in battery.
@lomie: I'm also considering getting nthe Bosch light half price for $99 as I already have Bosch batteries, but for a similar price I can get into the Ozito eco system.
@subywagon: Get into the ozito too I reckon. It's good to have a mix.
I've got makita drill & batteries but grabbed a 'gateway drug' ozito hedge trimmer kit one day just cos the price was too good to refuse. I've bought a few more ozito bits since (eg. this light), and really have no complaints.
I bought a Makita impact driver skin recently because I thought the benefits (quality, performance, consistency with my drill) for that tool justified the extra $.
Stroll around your local Bunnings. They might have another kit on clearance e.g. I bought a blower kit for $70 which had a 5.2Ah battery and charger. Battery alone cost more than that.
@eciuj: Haha I do this almost daily. Just got the blower and edger at the moment but they don't interest me unfortunately.
Or the one with 2ah + 4ah for $115 if you plan on getting a few tools.
I prefer the smaller/lighter batteries a lot of the time so they're good to have. It's great on the recipro saw I use for pruning branches which are often overhead and full reach one handed so can be a work out.
@watts: Yeah I thought about it but I hardly use my smaller Bosch batteries as a lot of my work is dealing with hardwood and Reno stuff etc. Might still consider it though, thanks.
I bought this one not long ago
Still plenty of stores with stock.
Thanks OP. got one
I've got one and it's pretty good. Pretty sure I bought a kit a while back either for 50 or 30 with a 3A battery. I've been impressed with it. I ended up rotating the light so the knob was on the alternate side.
Last time I got this light as a kit with charger and 3A battery for $40. Best deal ever
I got the same. I went to a store that the web site said they had stock but they couldn't find any even though their own internal system also said that they had stock. In the end the lady gave me the kit for the same prices as the light on its own since I had been waiting for so long for them to try to find it. I would have asked for more at that price if I thought that I could get away with it :-)
I've got one of these and it's pretty good. Planning to get at least another couple at this price.
One thing to be aware of is that if you leave the battery connected and the light switched off, it still drains the battery down to nothing in a relatively short period (maybe a month or 2 - haven't checked) so best to disconnect the battery when not in use - unless the one that I have is just faulty perhaps.
Agree, light is good but battery needs to be removed as left in situ will go flat quickly, few days.
Yep, got one up, checked idle draw.
Roughly 2.5mA when off, so a 1Ah battery would be drained in 400 hours.
Just brought one, so bloody bright at max. :) Already invested into the ozito ecosystem, so it’s a nice addition. Thanks op.
Just tested mine and had 3 immediate uses for it within 10min. So much better than holding a torch in my mouth while chopping wood. Just ordered another.
Headlamp doesn't cut it?
not sharp enough.
holding a torch in my mouth while chopping wood
Umm.. isn't there a Sun for that ? ;)
no sun by the time I get home from work at this time of year.
good find OP, I have this exact same one, it's extremely good, very bright and with those 4Ah batteries that usually goes on sale it really lasts long time (about 7-8 hours on high)
Thanks OP got one..
Nice thanks, picked up the floor stock (only one left at my local) for only $20
How'd you manage to get floorstock? I've been told by 3 Bunnings' that they don't sell floor stock!
P.S. Out everywhere in VIC too
I grabbed it, walked up to tool shop counter and said I wanted it, no box didn't matter. Got them to grab a battery to test it, then they offered it to me for $20. Great little unit.
Unfortunately all out in my nearby bunnings.
seems to be sold out everywhere in Sydney
Yeah my click and collect was canceled due to no stock in the area
These are back in stock (obviously at full price again). I had one on backorder from the sale.
Didn't know they do backorder
Not a backorder, exactly - I placed the order and got a call the next day saying they couldn't find the stock, and asked if I could wait until new stock arrived.
Cheap, I wonder if it's enough to light up the garage at night