Where to buy cheap iPhone?

hey guys, i was just wondering where i could buy a cheap iphone? i saw an iphone 3G at officeworks for $489. is this a good price? it might have been a 3GS but i can't quiet remember.



  • 3Gs 8gig unlocked from Apple Store is only $449

  • +5

    there's no such thing :D

  • it would of been a 3GS. its the same price at target, big w and kmart. if you want a cheap one, ask a mate if they are selling theres, or, ebay it. you can get unlocked iPhones off ebay for 289-400 for 3G or 3GS phones. there is a guy that sells them from New Zeland (they work here). other then that, ebay would be your best bet. watch because apparently ebay was doing a buy back system with iPhones so their might be something going on there.

  • Sorry, the word 'cheap' and 'iPhone', or any other apple products for that matters, just doesn't go with each other.
    However if you are looking for a premium priced iPhone that is less expensive (or so Apple claimed) then I suggest you wait for iPhone4S that will be released 14th October! I think most carriers with have them with plans or you can buy it out right it should be cheaper for the 8GB one? Looking around $799 for the 16GB one!

    Try look for refurbished iPhone, they tend to be cheaper and still look quite good ;)

  • +2

    3GS 8gig AU stock, unlocked $399 (Optus branding) with free p+p in October with promo code UMHOMERUN: http://www.uniquemobiles.com.au/store/ShoppingCart.aspx?sck=…

    Or same as above without Optus branding for $429: http://www.uniquemobiles.com.au/Items/iphone3gs-8gb-blk?sck=1153610&caSKU=iphone3gs-8gb-blk&caTitle=Apple%20iPhone%203GS%208GB%20Black%20(Australian%20Stock)

  • ok, i just checked and ya, it was the 3GS for $449. is the 3GS still worth buying? what would i be missing out on if i didn't get the most recent one?

    • No still not worth. Grab an iPhone 4 for round 550-600 bucks on Ebay or Gumtree. Otherwise you can have an old one for 4-500 bucks coz ppl are about to upgrade theirs to iPhone 4s.

  • i dunno about buying a refurbished iphone? because it's such a personal device? i mean, i have no problem buying a 2nd hand tower or even a screen but a phone? that's more personal than a keyboard.

    • A refurbished iPhone looks like a brand new one. It doesn't have any content on it. It has no scratches or marks either.

  • -1

    Apple IPhone expensive. Can not be cheap. However what you have found is a good price.

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