There have been multiple businesses and tech platforms targeted by recent DDoS attacks recently. This got me thinking. OzB has indirectly caused sites to crash or become unresponsive due to our insane volume and desire for a good deal. Are we all apart of regular, unintentional, DDoS attacks on small scale? This is just for a laugh so please do not take it seriously or take offence.
Is OzBargain Just a DDoS Attack Platform?

We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect usMore like:
We do not forgive price jacking
We do not forget that amazing price-error deal that was honoured from five years ago
Expect our high expectationsLol given the amount of upvotes on every eBay plus deal then I doubt any of your statement applies
I have taken offence.
OzBargainers Life Matters!
You could say the same thing for Reddit and its "Hug of Death" on a larger scale
we are necessary evil. Hungry bargainers in this economy.
All of your bargain are belong to us
OzBargainers are inevitable.
Too bad no one cares about ddos
Where the bargain dictates, we follow
Well, Gerry "GST EVERYTHING!!!" Harvey seems to think we are professional shoppers…
Harvey doesn't think. Harvey knows.
But seriously, what difference would it make if we were or weren't. The idea of his business is to sell. Professional or not, we buy.
We only buy when it's on sale.
Non-professionals pay full price. Gerry loves the amateurs.
We are the OzBargain. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your commercial and retail distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile
This is what i've come to except on ozbargain.
We love eneloops
We hate laptops with 720p screens
We smash price errors
Cash only with gumtree
We hate brodens
Rrp is ok when stock is very limited
We hate rrp
Etc etc.
'We are bargain'