Normally sells for $36 but Aus copies are in short supply these days. I was lucky to find one lonely copy at my local Big W. Good luck!
Alita Battle Angel 4K 3D 3-Disc Pack $16 (Pick-up Only) @ Big W

Last edited 17/06/2020 - 14:23 by 1 other user
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Does the blu-ray have any special features on it? Can't find any information or images of the back of the case.
Good pick-up. I was looking for this for ages and eventually gave up and bought the single disc 4K a while back.
Most of the ones I find are single disc only, no special features.
If only it was 4k 3d
If only it was 3k 4d
Weird how they can put half a movie over 3 discs these days
Although was a great movie, agreed.
Wow - I picked up a couple of copies of this at JB Hi-Fi for about $18 after discounts and flipped them for $40-$45 each on eBay a month ago.
The 3D is very hard to come by. The Steelbook more so!
watched at cinema, good movie
How does this compare with the anime?
Finally!!! A release with a UHD/4K+3D+BD combo! (I'm getting sick of having to buy either UHD/4K+BD and/or 3D+BD versions. Yes, I'm probably in the minority that enjoys 3D movies, but they are great at home on a large screen (projector).
Everything you said here is perfect. We're the same - 3D projector with Dolby Atmos = life. We have every 3D movie we can get, even the tough ones like Ralph Breaks the Internet ($120 to import that one from Japan :( - love em.)
And that’s the key word: “Japan”. They have some versions that are 4K+3D, but expensive as hell.
It’s great to read about fellow OzBargainers that are into 3D as well!!!!
Some 3D titles are only available in Japan though. Such an expensive territory.
3D is where it's at!! When VR reaches ubiquity, 3D films will become critical. 2D in VR isn't as engaging.
Jim Cameron is working on solving issues with 3D (mainly around motion using 48HFR brought back down). Just as Avatar brought in a new wave of 3D titles, I'm hoping its sequels will reignite the passion.
Anyone want to sell the 3d disc on it's own? Happy to split with someone
Cannot find stocks in SE Qld
If you don't want the 3D version, you can get the set that includes the 4K plus the blu-ray for $14 at