This was posted 4 years 8 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PC] Steam - Fight for Racial Justice Bundle (Includes 48 Games + 24 Books + 1 Month of Humble Choice if New Sub) - $51.00

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Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +1

    That's a solid list of games

  • In case anyone knows: Is the free month of Humble Choice transferable to a friend by a key or some such if you're already subscribed yourself?

    • From what I've seen on Reddit you need to create another account and purchase the bundle, I don't think it's a coupon code or something you can gift, it's just linked to the purchase. I could be wrong though

  • +15

    Fight for racial justice; but give us your money!

    • This guy gets it.

      • +2

        Damn straight. Saw the email and thought the same thing. Gotta love capitalism.

        • +16

          Socialist on the outside. Capitalist on the inside.

          • @Danstar:

            Socialist on the outside.

            That's not how Socialism works. Socialism means there is no private property and everything belongs to everyone. In this case, you're buying the package for yourself.

            Capitalist on the inside.

            This is true!!!

            • @FrugalDealSeeker:

              That's not how Socialism works. Socialism means there is no private property and everything belongs to everyone. In this case, you're buying the package for yourself.

              My comment is stating that businesses and media alike want to appear as socialists.

              • +3

                @Danstar: I thought a socialist means a person who practises or agrees with socialism. If that was the case then the company and its property would be owned by everyone anyway or there won't be private companies. I don't know! But I get what you mean and I agree with your idea! +1

                • +2

                  @FrugalDealSeeker: I guess I don't care about the definitions, except:
                  1) I want free shit
                  2) I don't want to have to work for it
                  3) Give me

                  • -1

                    @thisisscotts: So you're stupid and anti-intellectual then? Thanks for announcing that to everyone so proudly.

                • -2

                  @FrugalDealSeeker: A socialist is someone who believes that workers, not capitalists, should own and control the means of production and retain the full value of their labour. These right-wing morons who form their entire worldview on braindead facebook posts have no idea what it is, and will never make an effort to learn about a different ideology, choosing instead to rely on lazy strawmans like this scotts boomer below you did.

              • @Danstar: Can you define what socialism is? Or are you completely clueless?

    • +5

      See the thing with humble is you direct where your money goes. You can opt to give 100% to charity, or none. It's entirely up to you. But I mean you can also choose to take advantage of cheap games, or not. Also up to you lol.

      • -2

        One of the organisations is called the bail project. It bails out people charged with crimes.

      • +1

        See the thing with humble is you direct where your money goes. You can opt to give 100% to charity, or none.

        That would normally apply but with these types of bundles it has to go to at least one charity, Humble can't take a cut neither can the developers.

      • Nah, these dudes are racists, they don't give a (profanity) about racial discrimination

    • +2

      "100% GOES TO CHARITY"

  • +2

    Fighting for racial justice = good
    $51 for some pdfs and old games = nah

    I will just send a free, angry email.

  • +1

    One month free of Humble Choice for new subscribers

    Yeah screw the people who are already paying $11 USD a month. They can spend another $30 USD on top of that.

    • As far as I am aware you could sign up for a new humble account to get the month of humble choice but still redeem the games on you main Steam account.

      • +1

        I think you may need a different payment method however.

  • +3

    LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans.

    While should I support one of the richest country on earth ?

    Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation is a nonprofit racial justice organization with roots in Oakland

    Not Australia's town.

    The seed for The Bail Project was planted over 10 years ago when The Bronx Freedom Fund, the first-of-its-kind nonprofit, revolving bail fund in the country, launched in New York City.

    Nope, not gonna support America's issue.

    • +3

      The problem I have with all these cause based organizations, is that their very existence is rooted in having an issue to fight for, therefore all their targets are ambiguous and never-ending.

      It’s exact opposite of something like SMART goals, i.e. not really focused on achieving specific outcomes. It also means that these organizations have a conflict of interest - if the issue they are focused on diminishes, they are out of a job.

      That’s not to say their aspirations are wrong - but the business/organizational model behind it priorities organizations survival above all else.

    • Gotta love the dissonance between your profile picture and your (profanity) attitude to racial injustice. Very Jesus-like

      • +5

        I think you watch too much mainstream media and not doing enough thinking. My statement still stand and it unrelated to your so call 'social justice'. Btw God still loves the world, hence He gave His his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

        Untill every single souls ( black white brown red blue yellow ) understand that verse, nothing will change. We will have to wait for the HIGH JUDGE return.

        TLDR; I refuses to be emotionally manipulated by the media.
        BTW how do you reconcile these 2 agenda, protesting and social distancing ? I guess these viruses are racist too …

        • +4

          I think Winston is one of the people who want Coon cheese to change their name

          • @Danstar: lol my wife loves that cheese,but I dont.

            At least one of us not racist

          • -1

            @Danstar: Read one of your comments further down, shouldn't have been shocked to see you were a bootlicker.

        • "I think you watch too much mainstream media and not doing enough thinking"

          He says as he professes his belief in an unproven sky fairy. The cognitive dissonance is amazing

      • +1

        Just for the record, in case ppl who never read the Bible. This

        But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. Matthew 5:39

        … is most likely what Jesus would do. Then again I cant speak for King of Kings. One thing Jesus definitely would do is going RIOT, burning, looting and killing ppl. Can you even imaging that …

    • +2

      American based company directs funding to American organisations. More at 10.

      Ironic too, because if you bought the games direct that's most likely where the money would be going anyway. Weird that it only becomes an issue when it's going to American charities… Guess you are just stuck buying the Australian Humble Bundles going forward.

      • Fight for Racial Justice Bundle

        I dont like being deceived, dope into buying something that only benefit ( maybe ) some American. How about BLM IN Australia !?!?

        If the title is Fight for Racial Justice In America Bundle, well I have no legs to stand on.

        • +1

          No one is deceiving you, you're just incapable of reading.

  • +1

    Damn… Football Manager 2020 alone goes for around that price. Not bad!

  • I wanna buy cause it's cheap… But I've got most of the bigger games…


    • I'm in the same boat. FM2020 tips the balance though

      • It is on Gamepass if you have that.

    • +1

      People who don't understand that they can choose for all that money to go directly to supporting the fight against racial inequality

      i'M AN iNterNeT TrOlL

        • +3

          Money can be used to buy goods and services. For example, funding legal defenses for people disproportionately singled out by a systemically racist police force.

            • +1

              @User344505: Care to explain your reasoning in a not snide way?

                • +2

                  @User344505: Bulls***. Sorry, but all you have to do is look at the statistics that show how much more likely people of colour are to be harrassed by cops across each jurisdiction. It's worse in some places, but it's an entrenched racism that's easier for some people to see. Others are still ignoring it, like yourself, because it isn't your problem.

                  ACAB. Especially for the last 300-odd years of holding down the black population in the US — and here.

                    • @User344505: Nice gotcha try, but it's not very complicated: Being a part of a system that has subjugated people for hundreds of years makes you a bastard.

                      The system needs to change so that people who are in the police force that want to make positive change can. The problem is that change isn't happening.

                  • @OfTheOverflow: Maybe everyone just needs to learn to abide by laws and be civilised civilians

    • Or more accurately;

      People buying a product in which 100% of sales go to charity
      Literally helping

  • +1

    If someone buys this and either doesn't want or already has JPP4 and/or KSP, I would be willing to make a donation to an Australian charity for a key.

    • You should make another deal post with that link!

        • I couldn't give two shits about America's issues, they're video games bud and it's a good deal :)

  • +6

    Quick Batman, get to the Virtue Signal!

  • +4

    You have to pay to virtue signal now?

    • +2

      You could just not buy the bundle and say you did but I expect most who buy it will not feel the need (or may not even want) to tell people about it.

    • Holy christ you right-wingers are so insecure. No one is forcing you to buy the bundle you racist.

      • +1

        Every post you’re either insulting someone or just angry. That’s the problem with you left wingers. Angry with the world for no real reason other than the fact you just want to be angry. Maybe cos you life is unfulfilled and you don’t want to fix your own backyard so you join in on these buggier issues that you know individually you can’t really change. But hey, You’re part of a pack!

        • Bigger* not buggier

  • Anyone know if buying the bundle through a US VPN means the keys would work in Steam Aus?

    • +1

      US keys generally work in Australia as well.
      I'm tempted to do the same.

      HB is normally quite fair with their conversion rates but this time it seems like it's a lot higher than usual.
      US$30 should only be around AU$43.50.

  • anyone know if referrals stack with the free month bonus?

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