Interview Questions and Answers, looking for a new role?
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Does the thought of a job interview give you anxiety?
If so, then you’re not alone. Anxiety comes from lack of preparation. And career coach, Rebecca Ramos has helped thousands of interviews and interviewees with the interview process.Inside this book, you’ll find the 100 most common questions you can expect to be asked. In addition, you will be given a good response, of course which you can modify to suit yourself.
To see some of the interview questions, go ahead and preview this book.
The author and career coach, Rebecca Ramos has been helping people with the interview process for over 15 years. She has a weekly blog, and plans on writing several more books regarding the interview process.
Mod: Removed Spammer eBook
Any way to read the book without a kindle? Order said sent to my kindle, but I left it on a plane at the beginning of the year… safe to say I won't be seeing it again.