OzBargain 'work' Mode

So, was recently on the cricket Australia website and that has a 'boss' mode which effectively re-formats the website to look like a spreadsheet so you can look at it without others thinking you're looking at the cricket.

Now i know Ozbargain relies heavily on it's images and orange colour scheme, but could there be a way to reduce the colours/format to a more work friendly style at the click of a button?

*inb4, what about the dark theme https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/527765,
Basically hoping for a trimmed down version of this.

So i guess the point is would there be a demand for it.

Poll Options expired

  • 31
    Yes i would use this feature
  • 30
    No, sounds stupid


  • +6

    Use an RSS feed.

  • +17

    If you use ozbargain correctly you don't need to work.

    • +1

      Some people don't work for the money.

  • +3

    Learn the Art of Alt-Tab and don't have another questionable Chrome session behind whatever you are on now.

    • Workplaces can monitor the websites you visit. I would not be browsing leisurely on my work PC for long periods, but I tend to err on the side of caution.

  • +4

    Try the Decreased Productivity extension: Firefox, Chrome

    It removes the colour and formatting from a page and can also hide or fade images so it looks like you’re on a plain text webpage.

    • Was about to comment this.

      Been using this for a long time, it's the best option I've found.

      It formats the page in a completely boring, colourless way, and unless someone pays proper attention to your screen it'll fly completely under the radar.

    • +1

      Perfect, exactly what i was after. thanks

  • +1

    As long as you share all the good deals with co-workers they'll leave you alone if they see you browsing.
    Squid Pro Row.

  • you need to up the Alt+Tab game
    or grow a third eye

  • +4

    I always remember the "boss key" you pressed when playing Leisure Suit Larry (showing my age). Think you pressed F11 or similar and got this https://www.filfre.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ll_003.png

    • Thats the first thing that came to my mind when I read Boss Key.

      In today's HR world, that graph will still get you fired.

  • +3

    OzBargain has an API so I guess you could populate the information into the cells that way. If I have time after work ill give it a go and make a customisable one so you can put your company logo in there for extra stealth.

  • +5

    Reddit has something good like this - makes it look like it's in Outlook.


  • Funny vote options. I don't think it's a stupid idea but I probably wouldn't use it.

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