Back down to good local pricing! $299+ at most other local stores still.
Just ordered, my ETD says Jun 18-19!
Back down to good local pricing! $299+ at most other local stores still.
Just ordered, my ETD says Jun 18-19!
Ugh fastway! They are the worst!
BTW is your name Rex hunt inspired?
Rex Hunt…showing yer age there lol.
Yibbidiee yibbedda!
Seems like Amazon has local stock for the 3700x as well. Literally purchased it from the US stock just past midnight today. Do you know if I can get a refund and then order from the Australian stock?
Does your order have a cancel button on it still?
Ah no, just has track package and archive order. I'm guessing that means I can't get a refund then.
you could - contact their support asap and see if they can cancel it for you
@Zazer: Amazon au gets rid of the cancel button quicker than any other Amazon storefront.
Often its not shipped for days after cancel disappears, but you can chat with them to get it done
I was going to pickup the Ryzen 3 3100 for $175. How much better will this perform and is it worth skipping the Ryzen 3 3100 for it?
For reference I currently have an i5-6400. It will be used for gaming and 2k video editing.
For an extra $100, just get the 3600. Will be about 20% faster in gaming, and the 2 extra cores will help for video editing and productivity.
Your advice:
Just pay 50% more for a 20% boost in gaming.
… You can see why someone might not want that right?
I can see that, however, would I recommend a 4 core cpu in 2020, when you factor in it's for video editing as well? I wouldn't.
If you haven't got the budget for 6 core, then I understand. I was just making the case that the extra $100 now for that extra performance means down the line, you won't need to upgrade as soon and you'll see the difference now.
3100 is quite a bit behind 3300X and 3600 in term of gaming. I highly doubt you'll see much (if any) gain from an old gen i5. Just get the 3600, best bang for bucks you just can't go wrong with this.
Hi! Was wondering if you would be selling the i5. Looking into upgrading my i3-6100
Hey mate, yes I will be. Will also be selling the motherboard. PM me.
Honestly, either stick with the 6400 or go with the 3600. The 3100 is kinda a sideways move.
Is this a better buy for an additional $80?
Will use it for video editing…
If you look at this video, you'll see 2700x has a slight advantage for productivity.
Is it worth the extra $80? That's for you to decide. Factor into account cooling (2700x has a way better cooler), board you're using it with etc
These are $299 at Centrecom at the moment and local stock
272 was AU stock at amazonAU. back up to 299 now though.
If anyone is willing to take a risk, it is $190 from XiongXianMingYuanShangMaoYouXianGongSi storefront. I wonder if Amazon return policy and protection still applies.
Fake seller, dont do it. Theres heaps of them on amazon markeplace. Not worth the hassle of waiting around to get a refund.
thanks for the reply, will stay away.
as skramit said, $190 is too good to be true.
This or 3300X for primarily gaming?
3300x - $205
3600 - $299
So for almost 50% price and 50% more cores; is there much advantage
Not speaking from experience but from other reviews and stuff that I've read
It won't give much more performance very strictly in terms of gaming (in fact I think some reviews had 3300X result in better performance than 3600 but don't quote me on that) and you could spend the extra $ on other parts, like getting faster RAM up to the current sweet spot 3600MHz/CL16, or even a minor bump in GPU such as non-super to super edition card
The price/performance ratio is similar between these so you won't lose either way
Depends on how long you want to keep the system for.
Given how the next gen consoles are all 8 core… you'll be upgrading in short order with only a 4 core CPU.
Thanks both.
I’m primarily a console gamer so will be getting the next gen consoles. The gaming pc is for titles that are not available or better experienced on pc such as strategy games and cod warzone kind.
So my main target is; get a good motherboard and psu that allows decent oc and future upgrades (eyeballing b550 that releases today).
Have been contemplating between 3300x / 3600 and gtx 1660/ rtx 2060 or super. Man thats alot of cards on same series
B550 Tomahawk retails for 180USD in US, high chance it's gonna be 300AUD+. So much for budget boards… hopefully B450 boards price will go down.
3300x is actually slightly faster than 3600 for gaming:
Some people are spending the extra for a 3600 anyway as they need it for other things.
Others are betting that games will "soon" finally succeed in becoming so heavily multi-core that 3300x's 4 cores and 8 threads won't be enough, and that it'll be slower, then significantly slower, in some new titles over the next few years, before the next upgrade. This doesn't seem impossible to me, but I don't think it's the most likely outcome, myself.
(I bought the 3300x. I can always upgrade if I really need to.)
I got a 3300X earlier this month and I was really disappointed with it. I'm going to grab a 4600 when they come out to replace it.
If you dont mind answering, what has been the reason you've found it lacking?
I had an i5-6600K overclocked to 4.4ghz. I'm only getting about a 5% performance bump in some games (such as Assassin's Creed) with the 3300X. No more than 15% average higher.
This is with an RX 5700 as the graphics card and after several hours playing with settings to get the most out of the set up.
@Snortlepig: That's more or less what you'd expect from the benchmarks, though, right?…
Actual per-core gaming performance is increasing fairly slowly these days. i5-6600K is only 5 years old, so well within the same ballpark as current CPUs.
@ItsMeAgro: It's often pitted against an i7-7700K (and beats it) in benchmarks. So I was expecting a little more than a couple of frames. The 6600K is 5 years old and it was okay now and in 5 years time the 3600 will probably be okay. But I don't think the 3300X will be.
The thing that bothers me most about the 3300X, and why I'll always recommend the 3600, is that while it's not a bad CPU I'm always going to wonder "Would this run better if I had gotten the 3600 instead?" And for $60-$99 I would rather not be asking myself that question all the time.
@Snortlepig: Thanks. Would you be able to tell the difference between two if you have the fps numbers not shown all the time? i.e. louder fan speed / thermal throttling/ system runs lot hotter , etc
@kaleidoscope: Everything is pretty much the same. Except the AC Benchmark feels a little smoother. There was a few jitters just before the last turn with the benchmark that have smoothed out a bit. This has also carried over into the game. In the benchmark I still get a low 1% drop to 24 frames.
The 3300X runs a little hotter than the 6600K did at idle (even when the 6600K was overclocked) but not by enough that I notice any extra fan noise. I'm using the same D15 I used with the 6600K. Both CPUs have topped out at about 70 when under load over a long time.
As Kingduytan mentions in his post sometimes things just gets too much for the CPU. Which is the same issue I had with the 6600K (particularly in games like Satisfactory).
I was fully aware of what I was buying when I got the 3300X I knew it wasn't going to be a big bump. But to go from an average of 54 fps to 56 fps in Assassin's Creed and still get the big dips still left me disappointed. I don't have a 3600 to compare it with but it leaves me wondering.
@Snortlepig: Yeah it's strange to those of us who've been doing this for decades, but CPUs just don't get much faster each year.
You need to look at the benchmarks before assuming new CPUs will be faster; you'll only get a few percent faster than last gen, these days. A quick check would have confirmed that i7-7700K (and 3300x) isn't significantly faster than 6600K in games.
The 6600K is 5 years old and it was okay now and in 5 years time the 3600 will probably be okay
It was like this 20 years ago. A 5-year-old CPU was worth replacing. Then Moore's Law hit a wall.
Unless your willing to spend hundreds to chase a couple of FPS, you're actually looking at more like 10 years before it's sensible to replace a solid mid-range or high end CPU. GPU maybe a bit sooner, they still get significantly faster each gen, so upgrading every couple of gens can be justified for more people. But CPU? Not any more. Not for a long time.
Some cpu heavy games or badly optimized games will bring 3300x to its knee, sometimes cause stutters/frame drops (notice how certain games like Assassin Creeds Origin/Odyssey or Monster Hunter Iceborne are rarely found in CPU reviews? those games crush 4c/8t CPU). Also background stuff like browsers and chat app will be a problem since 3300x doesn't have much headroom if at all while gaming. If you want to get something in the interim while waiting for 4000 series, 3300x could make sense. Meanwhile a 3600 will last you couple of years easily while games transition to ultilize more cores. Btw 3600 has been as low as $26x recently, if you could wait or find a deal then all the better.
Thanks for the info on a more realistic use case of the processor.
I have this cpu and it's sick. Doesn't bottleneck my gtx 1080 but if I were you guys I'd wait for 4th gen ryzen
Still $205 for 3300x is a good price for me, is there any stock left in AU or how long should I wait for the new stock coming?
Looks like Shopping Express are the only ones that still have it for $205 plus shipping.
As expected, demand has outstripped supply. PC case gear already have it for $214.
Thanks, checked on their website show $215 and Pre-Order now ETA: 29/5/2020, lol
Comment unpublished. (Requested by Commenter)
Sorry can't see what your reply
@Patrick Shen C: Sorry, I guess I didn't check properly (it was still listed as $205 on pcpartpicker).
Available again (thanks tfangel )
Great - I waited 3 weeks for the processors to arrive - now Fastway have f***ing lost mine. I should have just waited for this.