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[eBook] Free - Social Anxiety | Speak with No Fear (Expired) @ Amazon AU / US

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Speak With No Fear: Go from a nervous, nauseated, and sweaty speaker to an excited, energized, and passionate presenter
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FREE FOR LIMITED TIME! - Overcome your fear and strengthen your speaking with my book series, SPEAK!

Social Anxiety : Easy Daily Strategies for Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness, Build Successful Relationships, and Increase Happiness
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Social Anxiety: Easy Daily Strategies for Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness, Build Successful Relationships, and Increase Happiness addresses the key points of social anxiety and shyness that inhibit you and keep you from realizing your full potential as a person.

Inside, you’ll find:

The evolutionary cause of social anxiety and shyness
The difference between social anxiety and shyness
The science and psychology behind social anxiety and shyness
Easy daily methods to manage or stop your social anxiety or shyness

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closed Comments

  • -7

    Take SSRI prescription, solved

    • +2
    • You've got to be joking me right? When ssri studies claim "statistically significant improvement", you need to check the effect size, if the improvement was not just a slight or mild improvement, and which particular areas the improvement was in. Also cannot rely on anecdotal sharings by people because everyone has a different pharmacogenomic profile.

    • Yeah, then get post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) for life and end up with something to really be depressed and anxious about. And it's still not solved or even acknowledged by the mental health profession because they gotta keep that antidepre$$ant money rollin' in.

      SSRIs have repeatedly been shown to have no better rate of success than placebo trials and quite often induce paradoxical worsening of anxiety/depression and oppositional tolerance after discontinuing prolonged use.

      Any psychologist or psychiatrist who just carte blance recommends SSRIs without any CBT, DBT, Schema Therapy or holistic approach to mental health is someone you should walk out on and never see again.

  • My eye skimming over the cover from left to right and up to down read "Speaking with Fear" I had to re-read it.

  • +11

    If you’ve self diagnosed yourself with a social anxiety disorder, I’d see a psychologist and see what they think. You might have been living with ptsd or something and not known it, lost all perspective. Anyway you’re not a doctor so you might be wrong about how to go about fixing what you’re experiencing.

  • -8

    Oh it's only about anxiety. I thought it was going to be about living in the Orwellian Age when PC Nazis tell you what language you can and can't use and you are persecuted for thought crime…

    • -1

      Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a mental illness (most often precipitated by a traumatic social experience and certain genes like behavioural inhibition).

      Nazi concentration camps on the otjer hand is on the absolute extreme end of traumatic experiences (social, financial, existential, cultural, familial, spiritual, mental, physical, etc - everything is on the line and dispossessed). The mental illnesses that can emerge from this extreme trauma/loss/grief is almost every (nongenetic) DSM mental health condition.

      SAD is a mental illness. Nazi genocide is a traumatic event. One is an apple, one is an orange. The two therefore can't be compared like this. Rather, the resulting mental illnesses from Nazi genocide should be compared with SAD. And it is true, Nazi genocide would probably result in severer cases of mental illness than SAD. But that is also probably true for most if not all mental illnesses. So by downplaying the severity of SAD by this type of unusual and ineffective comparison, you're essentially downplaying the severity of almost every mental health condition.

      You basically commit the logical fallacy of false comparison because the two things cannot actually be compared to each other in a meaningful way.

      • +1

        I think he's just referring to the title of the book "Speak with No Fear".

      • "You basically commit the logical fallacy of false comparison…"
        I think you need to go back and read what I wrote rather than what you think I wrote. Shout out if you would like me to explain it to you in more simple language.

        • Oh fair enough i get what you're saying, you were viewing it mainly from the angle of the "Speak with no fear" title. Makes perfect sense. Just understand that it remains ambiguous because the title of the ad states one thing but then the picture of the book states "Social Anxiety" hence my confusion with which reference you were talking about. Nevertheless, i understand, and the topic isn't controversial. All good.

  • +2

    "The fear of public speaking is the most common phobia ahead of death, spiders, or heights. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that public speaking anxiety, or glossophobia, affects about 73% of the population"

    Definitely worth giving it a go

  • I'm getting "This title is currently not available for purchase" on mobile. Do i need to do it on the desktop site?

    • +1

      Are you using the app? If yes, try in Chrome instead.

      • Thanks. Kindle account was set to US. Switched it over and worked like a charm.

  • +13

    An extremely well regarded book on social anciety is by american clinical psychologist Ellen Hendriksen "How to be yourself". She lives with it herself and isnt afraid to give an honest but very psychoeducational and practical account. One of the greatest points is that social anxiety is a package deal where you have very desirable and needed traits for this broken world — including sensitivity, compassion, empathy, gentleness, understanding, co-operation, helpfulness, selflessness, peacemaking, honesty, respect toward authority, quiet achievements, intellectualisation, etc. It's not a feeble or desperate attempt to force some positivity out of the negativity of social anxiety but what she says is very true from the angles of fraud reduction, conflict reduction (from couples to international), medical staff to patient interactions, counselling skills, attuned parenting, respectful aged care work, teamwork and trust in business, etc.

    Also check out Dr. Christine Padesky's exercise called Defense of the Self whereby you list all the negative attacks, judgements, comments and opinions that people could say or think and then to defend yourself by writing a response to each one of those criticisms that you can use in real life now that you've equipped yourself.

    Feel free to pm me to discuss/chat about the above or for more resources on social anxiety or mental health for that matter.

    • +1

      This is a really helpful post.

      The Defense of the Self sounds like a great idea. I feel exhausted thinking of the many possible negative things that people can say. Do you know of any resources that list polite yet firm responses to common criticisms/judgements/shaming?

      • +1

        There are some, but I will have to go through the books/videos. Watch the available videos featuring Christine Padesky on youtube and she superbly goes through her way of doing cognitive therapy with her socially anxious folks. She also explains the Defense of the Self in a video or two with some examples. Bear in mind that some of these videos actually start at around 5-10 minutes, but well worth it.

        • Great, thanks for the reply

  • Also, for men who are more interested in the dating side of overcoming social anxiety check out Dr Aziz's youtube page (Get More Confidence) — a no nonsense/bullshit clinical psychologist who lived with social anxiety and gives great practical and mental strategies, with empathy, in each video for viewers to start adopting.

    • +5

      He sells courses and events, with obligatory website with 16 different fonts and colours. Could be great but too many red flags for me.

      • He's marketing himself because he probably wants to make a living. But with the gimmicks aside, he has some really good advice and you can tell that he's read the literature on anxiety and is well learned.
        I'm very very skeptical and have a big bull shit detector when it comes to self help gurus. But i can say with certainty that he is helpful much much more than he is self-marketing. He isn't a monk though so he needs to market a little, but in no way does it get in the way of his psychoeducating the public. He seems authentic.

    • Get Confident, Stupid!

    • +1

      Zyzz in Doc form?

      • RoeJogan got all the advice you need from “qualified” professionals on his podcast. Only on spotify now btw

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