Hi Ozb
Looking to purchase land, and can manage to purchase something that fits our budget and criteria, however at the cost of a large Ventilation Shaft on the front yard.
A ventilation shaft is an asset owned and serviced by Sydney water which essentially acts as an exhaust fan for the sewerage system.
Inherently this sounds like a horrible idea (loud noise, smells, etc) but upon research it appears that it is noiseless. Additionally at this stage we can't smell anything (albeit suburb isn't developed yet)
The shaft is a long vertical pole, very similar to a street light pole albeit a bit slimmer/narrower and a fair bit taller (10-15m tall in the air).
Does anyone know anything about these? Has anyone ever lived near one or seen one? Can you recommend to proceed or not proceed on this purchase?
Thanks all!
do you have an example picture of what it looks like?