This was posted 4 years 8 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Felix Kitten Wet Food 60x 85g Pouches $21.99 + Delivery (Free for Orders over $49) (62% off) @ Pet Circle


Usually able to get this item for $40-50 on Amazon, but it is currently unavailable. Have never seen it this cheap. My kitten loves it, and at this price I can afford to feed him a pouch at every meal instead of supplementing with dry food.

Mod: Referral codes not permitted.

Referral Links

Referral: random (301)

Referee and referrer get $10 off their order.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Was cheaper yesterday on Amazon with free shipping

    Also please remove referral code in description as it isn't permitted. Put it in the referal system instead

    To get $10 off for first order use this link for referal codes to make it fair for everyone who added their referral code through the correct method or click on the referal link below the description.

  • +5

    Good find OP for those that missed out on the Amazon deal.

    There are a few other varieties at that price as well.

  • +2

    Cheers Op. Noticed it has auto delivery switched on. I had to go into settings and manually disable it. Just a heads up for people who order

    • Yep. Noticed the same. Pet Circle is rather sneaky and frankly unethical to do that.

      • +1

        You can select 'Once only' to avoid that

  • Thank you, got my cat a couple month's worth of food :)

    • same, ordered 3 boxes (15 packs).

  • +4

    They have some of the Felix Adult cat food on sale as well, thanks OP

    • +1

      Yes, so glad we looked and there are like 6-7 different flavour sets. In for 3. 180 sachets for $63, enough for half the year!

  • Thanks op. Great deal, got 3 X 5 boxes. My new kitten is sorted for months!

  • +1

    This is dam awesome. My cats cost me a fortune to feed… Ordered 10 from Amazon. And 15 from this company.. Thanks for the heads up.

    • +2

      Just be mindful of the expiry date. Last time I bought cat food from Petbarn, it only had 3 months on it. Hopefully these have a couple years for that many

  • How do you use the referral system guys , thankyou

  • +3

    FWIW, ingredients below.

    Tuna in Jelly Composition:Meat & Meat Derivatives (Poultry, Beef and/or Lamb); Cereal & Vegetable Derivatives; Fish (Including Tuna); Vitamins & Minerals; Flavour; Thickeners; Sugars; Colour. Chicken in Jelly Composition: Meat & Meat Derivatives (Poultry, Beef and/or Lamb); Cereal & Vegetable Derivatives; Fish; Vitamins & Minerals; Flavour; Thickeners; Sugars; Colour. Beef in Jelly Composition: Meat & Meat Derivatives (Poultry, Beef and/or Lamb); Cereal & Vegetable Derivatives; Fish; Vitamins & Minerals; Flavour; Thickeners; Sugars; Colour.

  • +1

    Ordered 6 boxes. My cats are bloody ploughing through the wet food at the moment (putting on their winter coats I guess). Thanks OP!

    • +1

      You have to ration them, as most will eat more than they need, just like us humans.

      • +1

        oh yeah, they'll eat whatever I put in front of them. they get 2 each per day + plenty of dry food.

  • +2

    Free shipping doesn’t include Tasmania. Didn’t purchase.

    • +2

      thanks for saving me the time and effort of trying to buy. Won't be getting my money.

  • Thanks OP, ordered a few boxes.

  • bought 10 boxes lol will last like 3 months for my fat cat :P

  • Hi I am about to order but cant find where to enter referral code. I am first time user of petcircle.

    • +1

      Under where it asks your postcode.

      Also try AD20 if you are using the repeat delivery discount.

      • Tried that with multiple random codes (from above link), it says invalid voucher


        The code applied after typing it, copying and pasting didnt work for me. Thanks

  • Does it set up re-order automatically with no option to disable it? I just ordered and there is now a reorder listed in 26 weeks (the max time span I could set). I cannot find out how to delete this reorder!

    • Me to my reorder is 4 weeks I didn’t realise

    • I disabled it and it cancelled the whole order (including the first delivery). You are better off waiting for the first batch to be delivered then cancel.

    • +1

      Didn’t you use PayPal? I think you can delete the authorisation in PayPal for the scheduled reordering.

      • It's no big deal if you cancel after purchasing. There will be a field which asks why and you choose the one that says "I chose auto delivery by accident" or something similar and you will be fine. Everyone does it.

  • Thanks - got 3 boxes!

  • Thanks, awesome deal at $0.36 per pouch!

  • We copped some of these from Costco a few weeks ago, my cat did not appreciate the jellies at all, and it's not like she's a fussy eater, either. $30 down the drain, gg

    • +4

      Donate to a rescue shelter if it’s no good to you.

  • +3

    I don't think these are very good for your cat, mostly jelly, highly processed. They do love it though as I did use it for a while. Now using the fresh cat mince from the supermarket, which is also popular

    • +1

      cat mince


    • do you have to cook the mince or feed it raw?

      • My cat would eat it both raw and cooked. Both option so fine just depends on your cats taste buds

    • fresh cat mince

      Which brand? Some have preservatives -…

    • Choice recommends them, they give it a score of 80, if that's worth anything to you.

  • Anyone having issues getting their website to accept parcel lockers? Even though the have a dedicated form for PO boxes and parcel lockers it seems like their website can't handle it properly


    Invoice only has the address of the post office not the parcel locker identifier. I've emailed support.

  • No free postage here 3691

  • +1

    Thanks OP, for those with an existing account that try and setup a new one or do a guest transaction, don't use your linked paypal account, it wiped off my $10 without even warning me, one screen said $130 and the next my invoice was $140.

    • Same. FYI cancelling it also cancels the whole order (including the first delivery).

  • Thanks OP, I missed the Amazon deal so picked up 3 lots from here. Won't have to buy cat food for a while.

  • +2

    i think it's 1 pouch per kg per day for kitten

    so a 3 kg kitten = 3 pouches per day

    i think

  • +1

    kind of weird
    made a purchase, paypal transaction $300, then went and refined the auto delivery of the same order to $55 but it charged me $300 in paypal?

  • +2

    I have two cats and I ordered 10 boxes. Should be good for a year for them

  • Thanks OP. Ordered.

  • +2

    It's the only wet food our fussy little turds will eat

    Bought 3 box's to see the used by date and if it's alright might buy some more

    • Ours is fussy too, this & Whiskas is all he'll eat!

  • I just checked my paypal and I chose 1 time only and paypal says auto payment

    Will cancel auto payment once I get my first delivery

  • +1

    It's showing for $50 when I add to cart?

    • Same here

      • I cant believe I miss this again :(

    • The same thing happened to me, if you go to the contact us page and start a live chat with the support agent, she was able to honor the discounted price for me.

      • They price matched for me! All done!

        • I couldn't get live chat to appear so called them instead. They said they couldn't do it for me without a screen shot :(

          edit - actually could you do a screenshot of your pricing? that would be amazing if you could because then I could probably get them to price match based off it

  • i had a $10 voucher per order yesterday but it disappears conveniently from the order…

  • If you missed out this one same price from Amazon AU

    Felix Doubly Delicious - Meat Selection in Jelly, 60x85g

    • Thanks for the link, I just checked & it is currently unavailable

      This is the only wet food my 4 month & 3 & a half year old will eat, apart from dry food

      I tried different wet food, but I always have to make sure I keep the docket & take it back to Woolies,
      they must be sick of me

  • +1

    better check your shipped orders, mine changed prices after shipment back to full price.

    • Same as my order, what do we do now?

  • +1

    Just got an email saying my order has been posted

    So I just logged in and canceled my auto repayments

    I reckon they are hoping that we forget to cancel our auto repayments

    P.S checked my paypal and I still got charged the special price

    • Mine finally shipped today, still showing discounted price on the order and on paypal. :)

  • I just checked my paypal transaction, and pet circle order. Both are charged at the special price. My $10 referral discount is still there on the order as well, since this is my first time ordering from Pet Circle. My order is still at "Packing" stage, so will check again once posted. Thanks for the heads up.

  • Just got these bought like $100 worth but just realised it's kitten food. Shiiitttt

    • The one that the OP linked to is for Kittens. There are at least another half a dozen other different flavors that are for adult cats, with special price of $21.99. I chose the ones that are for adult cats.

  • A word of warning. I ordered 6 boxes, my paypal was charged 6 boxes. Today only 2 boxes were delivered and I saw in my order history that it says that I only ordered two boxes. Now there is a shipping charge added to the order too because 2 boxes is under the $49 threshold! Had a chat with the first CSR and they said it was some glitch in their auto delivery system and that the 4 missing boxes were now a credit in my account…wtf. The sale is now gone and they wanted to charge me the current price if I wanted more. Or elect to get a refund. I said send me the refund and ended the chat. Then I had a think and regretted not asking for a refund on the shipping as I should not be charged that if their system stuff up. Chatted to second CSR and they said straight away I can send you the 4 missing boxes, what flavours do you want…wtf…sigh. That's what the first CSR should have done! I am not sure if this is a scam, but it looks like something you would set up to enlist new customers and set them up on auto delivery in the hope they don't terminate it.

    • Sounds like a pretty bad experience but I don't think it's a scam.

      I ordered 3 boxes and all delivered and charged correct amount. When ordering I chose single delivery and have cancelled recurring payment authorisation with PayPal already.

      Think it's just a combo of bad luck and bad customer service in your case? Hope it works out for ya in the end!

      • yes their system is a mess charging one thing and delivering another. i'll check my statement at the end and will reconcile.
        Also their delivery drivers delivers in multiple drops for the same order which makes it even more confusing.

    • wow, just enjoy the cheap pet food and let it go

  • My order of 3x5 boxs rocked up yesterday and they have a use by 2022

    Notice the price is now $50 for a box of 5 so wont be ordering them at that price (we grab them from the shops when they are on special for around $8 - $8.50 a box

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