Recommendation for Laptop for Data Intensive Computing

Hi everyone,

I think it's time when I should upgrade. I am looking for suggestions for a laptop that will mainly be used for data intensive processing (data analysis of large datasets, coding, scripting, and using BI ETL software etc).

My work machine currently is struggling with an i5 8th Gen processor and 8GB RAM (Dell Inspiron 5000 Series).

Ideally, I am looking for

  • higher/faster RAM (at least 16GB)
  • Faster/advanced processor
  • Decent hours on battery

I will not be using it for Gaming or Video/Graphics intensive programs, so I am fine with screen and display quality. Similarly, dont have any specific requirement with connectivity ports.

What would be the cheapest deal available.


  • -7

    Get a Mac

  • Well you have key things you need:
    - High core count of CPU
    - 16GB+ RAM
    - nVME and SSD scratch drive

    But depends on how serious you are in your data analytics goals. I currently run SQL server on a VM within Windows server 2016 on a Dell R730 machine. That I dedicate 32 cores and 64GB of RAM too on just one of my VM's. I just Remote Desktop into those VM's on any machine, so can run do my stuff locally or remotely and on any machine.

    • Are you suggesting a cloud VM? If so, what's the provider, and the cost of having a 32 core 64GB vm?

  • +1

    Is a desktop not viable? Laptops can be held back by their restricted cooling systems if you're going to be stressing a CPU for long periods.

    • Unfortunately, desktop is out of question. I have to travel for work as well as my work does not allow me to stick to a fixed place. So mobility is needed with decent hours of battery.

  • It depends on the extent or how "intensive" is your work but isn't this mostly done on the cloud nowadays? I reckon if your average machine isn't enough then buying another laptop isn't a good solution anyhow.

    • yes you are right, vm is a solution. But I still need to get a reasonably good machine, as work machine is going to be decommissioned and many a times I need to access software on my local machine which brings up licensing issues.

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